如何在 VBA 中创建和调用函数?

How to create and call a function in VBA?

我正在尝试在 VBA 中创建我的第一个函数或过程。我在代码中使用的基本类型:

   count As Integer
   positiveColumnsColors(2) As Long ' decimal values from Hex
   negativeColumnsColors(1) As Long
   excludeColumnsColors(1) As Long
   zeroTop As Integer ' position of zero, the Top property of zero rectangle
   dataWidth As Integer
   negativeDataHeight As Integer
   positiveDataFound As Boolean
   negativeDataFound As Boolean
End Type

' All is on horizontal axis except negativeValueY
    Xmin As Integer ' (Left) actually
    Xmid As Integer ' middle position
    Xmax As Integer ' Left + Column width
    Xgap As Integer ' Gap between column rectangles
    Xpitch As Integer ' Gap between colRanges()(1).mid and colRanges()(2).mid
    negativeValueY As Integer  ' Top+Height
    Q1Y As Integer
    Q2Y As Integer ' position of median
    Q3Y As Integer
    initiated As ENUM_INITIATED
End Type


Sub SetColumnRanges(Sh As Shape, i As Integer)
    colRanges(0).Width = 0
End Sub

但最好是 return 变量 'passed boolean'


Sub LookForAxis()
    Dim colRanges() As T_COLUMN_RANGES
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Sh As Shape
    Dim passed As Boolean
    ReDim colRanges(1 To 1) As T_COLUMN_RANGES
    colRanges(1).initiated = 0
    With ActiveWindow.Selection
      If (.Type = ppSelectionShapes) And (.ShapeRange.Type = msoGroup) Then
        For Each Sh In .ShapeRange.GroupItems
          If (Sh.Name Like "Rec*") Then
            For i = 1 To dataInfo.count
              If Not passed Then  ' If the array ...
                ' code skipped
                ' HERE I TRY TO CALL THE PROCEDURE OR FUNCTION... best if passed is returned for function:
                SetColumnRanges Sh, i


If Sh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = dataInfo.positiveColumnsColors(1) Then
    colRanges(i).initiated = colRanges(i).initiated Or columns_initiated_positive
    If colRanges(i).Q1Y = 0 Then
         colRanges(i).Q3Y = 0
         colRanges(i).Q2Y = Sh.Top 
         colRanges(i).Q1Y = (Sh.Top + Sh.Height) * -1
    ElseIf colRanges(i).Q1Y < 0 Then
         If colRanges(i).Q1Y * -1 < Sh.Top + Sh.Height Then
             tempInt = colRanges(i).Q2Y * -1
             colRanges(i).Q3Y = colRanges(i).Q2Y  ' Make the old value positive
             colRanges(i).Q2Y = tempInt  ' Make the old value positive
             colRanges(i).Q1Y = Sh.Top + Sh.Height
            ' Sh.Name = "Q3"
             colRanges(i).Q3Y = Sh.Top + Sh.Height
             colRanges(i).Q1Y = colRanges(i).Q1Y * -1  ' Make the old value positive
         End If
    End If
ElseIf Sh.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = dataInfo.negativeColumnsColors(1) Then
    ' Sh.Name = "Negative"
    colRanges(i).initiated = colRanges(i).initiated Or columns_initiated_negative
End If


Byref argument type mismatch



    Sub test()
        MsgBox test2("hi")
        Dim var As String
        var = test2("hi")
        MsgBox var
    End Sub
    Function test2(var As String) As Boolean
        test2 = True
    End Function

您必须确保传递给函数的变量类型与函数中声明的变量类型相同(例如,将“hi”传递给“string”是可以的,但如果var 在函数中是 long 类型。

在你的函数结束时,你通过使用函数名称 => “Test2 = 你想要发回的函数的输出”来发回结果。