Unity C# - 从基础 class 动态调用 subclass

Unity C# - Calling subclass dynamically from the base class

我是 C# 和 Unity 的新手,我正在尝试弄清楚如何通过基础 class.


我正在制作纸牌游戏。我制作了一个 baseclass PlayerCard,其中包含子classes,例如 Minion : PlayerCard.

我目前的结构是 PlayerCard class 一开始就从牌组中这样实例化

public class PlayerDeck : MonoBehaviour{

[SerializeField] PlayerCard[] playerCardArray;

private int xPos = 2;

public void DrawCards()
    var cardIndex = Random.Range(0, playerCardArray.Length);

private void AddCardToPlayer(PlayerCard myCard)

    Vector3 cardPos = new Vector3(transform.position.x + xPos, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
    PlayerCard newCard = Instantiate(myCard, cardPos, transform.rotation) as PlayerCard;
    xPos = xPos + 2;

我想要我的基地class (PlayerCard) 处理所有平凡的事情,例如拖放和移动卡片,因为它们对所有卡片都是相同的。

    private void OnMouseDown()

void Update()
    if (DraggingON) { Drag(); }

private void ToggleDrag()
    mouseOffset = gameObject.transform.position - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, mouseScreenPoint.z));

    if (DraggingON)
        DraggingON = false;
        DraggingON = true;

        SnapPositionX = transform.position.x;   //Return to same x position if user has not hovered other available slot
        SnapPositionY = transform.position.y;   //Return to same y position if user has not hovered other available slot

        //Variables above will be reset to default position x/y when user has hovered a slot but then moved object away from the slot, so reset to default
        defaultPositionX = transform.position.x;
        defaultPositionY = transform.position.y;

private void Drag()
    Vector3 currentMouseScreenPoint = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, mouseScreenPoint.z);
    Vector3 currentMousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(currentMouseScreenPoint) + mouseOffset;
    transform.position = currentMousePosition;

我的问题在于,当调用 SnapCardToPosition 时,我希望 subclass(无论它是什么)接管并处理与它们被拖入的位置的交互。

    private void SnapCardToPosition()
    Vector2 NewCardPosition = new Vector2(SnapPositionX, SnapPositionY);
    transform.position = NewCardPosition;

    //Dynamically call the subclass here?


public class Minion : PlayerCard{
[SerializeField] int Damage = 1;

public void HandleCardPlacement()
    //Do something


  • 让你的方法不是private(=只有这个class可以看到这个)而是protected(=这个和任何派生的class可以看到这个)
  • 并使您的方法 virtual (if there is a common base behavior) or abstract (if every card has to implement it from scratch) and override 在子class


protected virtual void SnapCardToPosition()
    Vector2 NewCardPosition = new Vector2(SnapPositionX, SnapPositionY);
    transform.position = NewCardPosition;


protected override void SnapCardToPosition()
    // make sure that the base implementation is executed first

    // do additional stuff


  • override方法还是简单地保持他默认的基础之一class
  • 如果它覆盖它可以决定 ifwhen 通过 base.SnapCardToPosition();[=35= 调用默认行为]