helm 检查单个文件中所需的变量

helm check for required variables in a single file



# this is required name of the hosted zone
domainZone: "" 
someOtherRequireVar: ""


# the block below makes sure that our required variables are 
# declared in the values file and if not that will throw the error
# so even the block below is commeted, it's still evaluated by the HELM and error
# will be generated if the variable's value is not set
# {{ .Values.domainZone | required "Domain Zone is required and should be non-empty string" }}
# {{ .Values.someOtherRequireVar | required "The someOtherRequireVar is also required and should be non-empty string" }}


我建议使用命名模板进行验证,您可以在安装说明中执行,而不是常规模板文件。此外,通过对单个值使用故障安全验证函数(与 require 不同),您可以在 helm 命令执行失败之前验证多个值。

Bitnami charts 使用此策略。


partials file 中,例如templates/_helpers.tpl,定义命名模板以验证提供的值:

{{/* Compile all validation warnings into a single message and call fail. */}}
{{- define "mychart.validateValues" -}}
{{- $messages := list -}}
{{- $messages = append $messages (include "mychart.validateValues.foo" .) -}}
{{- $messages = append $messages (include "mychart.validateValues.bar" .) -}}
{{- $messages = without $messages "" -}}
{{- $message := join "\n" $messages -}}

{{- if $message -}}
{{- printf "\nVALUES VALIDATION:\n%s" $message | fail -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate value of foo */}}
{{- define "mychart.validateValues.foo" -}}
{{- if not (and .Values.foo (kindIs "string" .Values.foo)) -}}
mychart: foo
    `foo` is required and should be a non-empty string
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Validate the value of bar */}}
{{- define "mychart.validateValues.bar" -}}
{{- if not (and .Values.bar (kindIs "string" .Values.bar)) -}}
mychart: bar
    `bar` is required and should be a non-empty string
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

在这种情况下,命名模板 mychart.validateValues 将 运行 多次验证(即 mychart.validateValues.foomychart.validateValues.bar)。如果一项或多项验证产生验证警告,它将调用 fail 并提供警告摘要。


{{- include "mychart.validateValues" . }}


使用以下 values.yaml 文件:

bar: 24


Error: execution error at (test/templates/NOTES.txt:1:4): 
mychart: foo
    `foo` is required and should be a non-empty string
mychart: bar
    `bar` is required and should be a non-empty string