如何更改脚本词典中 class 列表中的 属性?

How do I change property of class listing in scripting dictionary?



tell application "Capture One 21"
    set image location of next capture options to "/tmp"
end tell


error "Can’t set «class viil» of «class CncO» to \"/tmp\"." number -10006 from «class viil» of «class CncO» to «class /tmp»

错误代码 -10006 表示“写操作被拒绝”。

我在使用get image location of next capture options尝试获取这个配置时,也报错:

tell application "Capture One 20"
    get image location of next capture options
end tell


error "Can’t get image location of next capture options." number -1728 from «class viil» of «class CncO»


感谢 @Robert Kniazidis 的帮助。使用Script Debugger,发现实际的设置项不是next capture options,而是next capture settings,并且位于document下,所以实际获取这个配置值的方式是[=14] =].但是最后真的设置不了,因为需要企业版。


tell application "Capture One 20"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Capture One 20"
        click radio button 2 of radio group 1 of window 1
        delay 0.1
        global destination
        set destination to 0
        repeat with g in every group of window 1
            repeat with sa in every scroll area of g
                if exists of group "NextCaptureLocation" of sa then
                    set nextCaptureLocation to group "NextCaptureLocation" of sa
                    if exists of group "目的地" of nextCaptureLocation then
                        set destination to group "目的地" of nextCaptureLocation
                    end if
                    if exists of group "Destination" of nextCaptureLocation then
                        set destination to group "Destination" of nextCaptureLocation
                    end if
                end if
            end repeat
        end repeat
        if destination = 0 then
            display notification "Cannot obtain target element Destination" with title "AppleScript Error"
        end if
        click pop up button 1 of destination
        click menu item -1 of menu 1 of pop up button 1 of destination
        delay 1
        key code 5 using {shift down, command down}
        delay 1
        key code 0 using {command down} -- command + A
        key code 51
        delay 1
        set the clipboard to "/tmp"
        key code 9 using {command down} -- command + v
        delay 1
        keystroke return
        delay 1
        keystroke return
    end tell
end tell