How to write a small test function using pester testing framework
function SaveStudent($Student){
Write-Host "save student email for $($Student.Email)
return $Student
我们使用 pester 框架编写了示例测试函数,并在本地环境中进行了测试。
下面是示例 Get-Something 函数,这里是函数模块:
function Get-Something {
param (
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ThingToGet')) {
Write-Output "I got $ThingToGet!"
else {
Write-Output "I got something!"
Describe "Get-Something" {
Context "when parameter ThingToGet is not used" {
It "should return 'I got something!'" {
Get-Something | Should -Be 'I got something!'
Context "when parameter ThingToGet is used" {
It "should return 'I got ' follow by a string" {
$thing = 'a dog'
Get-Something -ThingToGet $thing | Should -Be "I got $thing!"
有关更多信息,您可以参考这个 blog or pester documentation to Quick start with pester testing frame work。
function SaveStudent($Student){
Write-Host "save student email for $($Student.Email)
return $Student
我们使用 pester 框架编写了示例测试函数,并在本地环境中进行了测试。 下面是示例 Get-Something 函数,这里是函数模块:
function Get-Something {
param (
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ThingToGet')) {
Write-Output "I got $ThingToGet!"
else {
Write-Output "I got something!"
Describe "Get-Something" {
Context "when parameter ThingToGet is not used" {
It "should return 'I got something!'" {
Get-Something | Should -Be 'I got something!'
Context "when parameter ThingToGet is used" {
It "should return 'I got ' follow by a string" {
$thing = 'a dog'
Get-Something -ThingToGet $thing | Should -Be "I got $thing!"
有关更多信息,您可以参考这个 blog or pester documentation to Quick start with pester testing frame work。