如何在 Rails 7 引擎中设置 importmap-rails?

How to set up importmap-rails in Rails 7 engine?

我已经在 importmap-rails gem github 存储库 here 中提出了一个关于这个的问题,但我想我会把这个问题抛在这里以防万一可能有解决方法


使用 rails plugin new custom_page --mountable --full 生成的 Rails 7 alpha 2 或 Rails 7.0 的新引擎生成包含 importmap-rails gem 在捆绑的 gem 中,但无法使用它。将 spec.add_dependency 'importmap-rails' 添加到 enginename.gemspec 没有区别,将 require importmap-rails 添加到 engine.rb 也没有区别。 bin 目录中没有 importmap 可执行文件。 致电 bundle info importmap-rails 产生一个有希望的结果,表明 gem 默认安装

* importmap-rails (0.8.1)
    Summary: Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without transpiling or bundling.
    Homepage: https://github.com/rails/importmap-rails
    Source Code: https://github.com/rails/importmap-rails
    Path: /home/jamie/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.0@custom_page/gems/importmap-rails-0.8.1

调用 rails --tasks 显示

rails app:importmap:install # Setup Importmap for the app

但我相信这是来自 --full 选项生成的测试应用程序,而不是可用于引擎的 rails 命令。 我期待在没有应用程序的情况下看到相同的内容:前缀 对此任务的调用解析为模板错误,如图所示

rails app:importmap:install

Don't know how to build task 'app:template' (See the list of available tasks with rails --tasks) Did you mean? app:tmp:create

如果有解决此问题的解决方案,我将不胜感激,我相信其他人也会。我想要这个的原因是我完全没有在 rails 6.1.4 引擎中引入 webpacker,我希望这将是我的,大大改进的解决方案

我回到老派 Javascript 包含在 html 中。

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.js"></script>




将 importmap 添加到引擎的 gemspec 文件:

# my_engine/my_engine.gemspec

spec.add_dependency "importmap-rails"


# my_engine/lib/my_engine/engine.rb

require "importmap-rails"

module MyEngine
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    isolate_namespace MyEngine
    initializer "my-engine.importmap", before: "importmap" do |app|
      # NOTE: this will add pins from this engine to the main app
      # https://github.com/rails/importmap-rails#composing-import-maps
      app.config.importmap.paths << root.join("config/importmap.rb")

      # NOTE: something about cache; I did not look into it.
      # https://github.com/rails/importmap-rails#sweeping-the-cache-in-development-and-test
      app.config.importmap.cache_sweepers << root.join("app/assets/javascripts")

    # NOTE: add engine manifest to precompile assets in production
    initializer "my-engine.assets" do |app|
      app.config.assets.precompile += %w[my_engine_manifest]


# my_engine/app/assets/config/my_engine_manifest.js

//= link_tree ../javascripts/my_engine .js

如果需要,为我们的引擎添加 javascript 入口点。 Pin 图将在没有此文件的情况下可用。

# my_engine/app/assets/javascripts/my_engine/application.js

// do some javascript
document.querySelector("h1").innerText = "hi, i'm your engine";
console.log("hi, again");


# my_engine/app/views/layouts/my_engine/application.html.erb

<!DOCTYPE html>
        NOTE: This loads/imports main app 'application.js' and all the pins from
              the main app and from the engine (because we set it up in the engine.rb).
    <%= javascript_importmap_tags %>

        NOTE: Too add engine's javascript functionality we have to load the
              entrypoint here or `import` it in the main app `application.js`
    <%= javascript_import_module_tag "my_engine/application" %>
  <body> <%= yield %> </body>

创建 importmap.rb 并固定 my_engine/application,此名称必须与 javascript_import_module_tag 匹配。它不能与主应用程序中的任何其他名称冲突,因此您不能只使用 application:

# my_engine/config/importmap.rb

# NOTE: this pin works because `my_engine/app/assets/javascripts
#       is in the `Rails.application.config.assets.paths`
pin "my_engine/application"


# app/config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount MyEngine::Engine => "/"

# my_engine/config/routes.rb
MyEngine::Engine.routes.draw do
  get 'home', to: 'homes#index'

# my_engine/app/controllers/my_engine/homes_controller.rb
module MyEngine
  class HomesController < ApplicationController
    def index; end

# my_engine/app/views/my_engine/homes/index.html.erb

此时,您应该在呈现的布局的 <head> 标记中包含此内容,其中包括:

<script type="importmap" data-turbo-track="reload">{
  "imports": {
    "application": "/assets/application-66ce7505c61e3e4910ff16e7c220e1fbfb39251cd82e4bab8d325b3aae987cf9.js",
    "my_engine/application": "/assets/my_engine/application-31ce493e8376b4c20703a50f38d419ae309ffe410b7ab7fec47440e02eef08a8.js",

<script type="module">import "application"</script>
<script type="module">import "my_engine/application"</script>

H1 标签在重新加载时应更改为 <h1>hi, i'm your engine</h1>

可以使用 https://generator.jspm.io/ 手动添加其他导入映射。

为了加分,bin/importmap 可以定制为在引擎内部工作。在 bin 目录中创建一个新的 importmap 文件。

# my_engine/bin/importmap NOTE: don't forget to `chmod u+x bin/importmap` to make it executable.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# NOTE: make sure we are loading the correct versions of things
ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ||= File.expand_path("../Gemfile", __dir__)
require "bundler/setup" if File.exist?(ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"])

# NOTE: importmap requires some rails goodness that we don't have in the engine,
#       because we don't have config/application.rb that loads the environment.
require "rails"

# importmap-rails is not loaded automatically
require "importmap-rails"

# the actual command runner
require "importmap/commands"

运行 来自引擎目录:

$ bin/importmap pin react  
Pinning "react" to https://ga.jspm.io/npm:react@18.1.0/index.js

$ cat config/importmap.rb 
pin "my_engine/application"
pin "react", to: "https://ga.jspm.io/npm:react@18.1.0/index.js"
