IDA pro 了解反汇编细节

IDA pro understanding disassembly specifics

目前正在尝试将旧游戏的字符串到内存复制功能从 x86 机器代码反汇编为 C++。

从下面的函数中,我看到代码检查字符串是否大于为赋值保留的目标 space。

如果是,则它从 string[*(this_dest-1) - *this_dest] 位置剪切字符串。

我想知道如何使伪代码看起来更像 C++? 到目前为止,我找不到 *(this_dest-1) - *this_dest.



char *__thiscall copyA2strToA1mem(char *this, const char *strStart_a2, char *strEnd_a3)
  void *dest_v4; // edi
  size_t strLength_v5; // eax
  size_t destLength_v6; // ecx
  const void *v7; // edi
  void *v8; // esi
  char *i; // esi

  dest_v4 = *this;
  strLength_v5 = strEnd_a3 - strStart_a2;
  destLength_v6 = *(this + 1) - *this;
  if ( strEnd_a3 - strStart_a2 > destLength_v6 )// destination space > string size ?
    qmemcpy(dest_v4, strStart_a2, destLength_v6);
    for ( i = &strStart_a2[*(this + 1) - *this]; i != strEnd_a3; ++i )
      sub_401D20(this, *i);
    qmemcpy(dest_v4, strStart_a2, strLength_v5);
    v7 = *(this + 1);
    v8 = (strLength_v5 + *this);
    if ( v8 != v7 )
      memmove(v8, v7, 1u);
      *(this + 1) += v8 - v7;
      return this;
  return this;


 00406660     copyA2strToA1mem proc near              ; CODE XREF: sub_406430+1AB↑p
 00406660                                             ; sub_409130+1CC↓p ...
 00406660     strStart_a2     = dword ptr  4
 00406660     strEnd_a3       = dword ptr  8
 00406660 000                 mov     edx, [esp+strStart_a2]
 00406664 000                 push    ebx
 00406665 004                 push    ebp
 00406666 008                 mov     ebp, [esp+8+strEnd_a3]
 0040666A 008                 push    esi
 0040666B 00C                 mov     ebx, ecx
 0040666D 00C                 mov     ecx, [ebx+4]
 00406670 00C                 push    edi
 00406671 010                 mov     edi, [ebx]
 00406673 010                 mov     eax, ebp
 00406675 010                 sub     eax, edx
 00406677 010                 sub     ecx, edi
 00406679 010                 cmp     eax, ecx
 0040667B 010                 mov     esi, edx
 0040667D 010                 ja      short loc_4066BA
 0040667F 010                 mov     ecx, eax
 00406681 010                 mov     edx, ecx
 00406683 010                 shr     ecx, 2
 00406686 010                 rep movsd
 00406688 010                 mov     ecx, edx
 0040668A 010                 and     ecx, 3
 0040668D 010                 rep movsb
 0040668F 010                 mov     esi, [ebx]
 00406691 010                 mov     edi, [ebx+4]
 00406694 010                 add     esi, eax
 00406696 010                 cmp     esi, edi
 00406698 010                 jz      short loc_4066E4
 0040669A 010                 mov     eax, edi
 0040669C 010                 sub     eax, edi
 0040669E 010                 add     eax, 1
 004066A1 010                 push    eax             ; Size
 004066A2 014                 push    edi             ; Src
 004066A3 018                 push    esi             ; Dst
 004066A4 01C                 call    memmove
 004066A9 01C                 add     esp, 0Ch
 004066AC 010                 sub     esi, edi
 004066AE 010                 add     [ebx+4], esi
 004066B1 010                 pop     edi
 004066B2 00C                 pop     esi
 004066B3 008                 pop     ebp
 004066B4 004                 mov     eax, ebx
 004066B6 004                 pop     ebx
 004066B7 000                 retn    8
 004066BA     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 004066BA     loc_4066BA:                             ; CODE XREF: copyA2strToA1mem+1D↑j
 004066BA 010                 mov     eax, ecx
 004066BC 010                 shr     ecx, 2
 004066BF 010                 rep movsd
 004066C1 010                 mov     ecx, eax
 004066C3 010                 and     ecx, 3
 004066C6 010                 rep movsb
 004066C8 010                 mov     esi, [ebx+4]
 004066CB 010                 sub     esi, [ebx]
 004066CD 010                 add     esi, edx
 004066CF 010                 cmp     esi, ebp
 004066D1 010                 jz      short loc_4066E4
 004066D3     loc_4066D3:                             ; CODE XREF: copyA2strToA1mem+82↓j
 004066D3 010                 mov     cl, [esi]
 004066D5 010                 push    ecx
 004066D6 014                 mov     ecx, ebx
 004066D8 014                 call    sub_401D20
 004066DD 010                 add     esi, 1
 004066E0 010                 cmp     esi, ebp
 004066E2 010                 jnz     short loc_4066D3
 004066E4     loc_4066E4:                             ; CODE XREF: copyA2strToA1mem+38↑j
 004066E4                                             ; copyA2strToA1mem+71↑j
 004066E4 010                 pop     edi
 004066E5 00C                 pop     esi
 004066E6 008                 pop     ebp
 004066E7 004                 mov     eax, ebx
 004066E9 004                 pop     ebx
 004066EA 000                 retn    8
 004066EA     copyA2strToA1mem endp

ebx 被设置为 ecx 的初始值,如果调用约定确实是 __thiscall.

,则它是 this 指针





这两个数据成员的使用方式,我们可以假设它们是 32 位指针,并且它们相互关联,因此它们很可能是缓冲区的开始和结束指针。

据我所知,如果我正确翻译了程序集,C++ 代码将类似于以下内容:

SomeClass* SomeClass::copyA2strToA1mem(char *strStart, char *strEnd)
    int strLen = strEnd - strStart;
    int bufferLen = this->bufferEnd - this->bufferStart;
    if (strLen <= bufferLen)
        qmemcpy(this->bufferStart, strStart, strLen);
        char *src = this->bufferEnd;
        char *dst = this->bufferStart + strLen;
        if (dst != src)
            memmove(dst, src, 1);
            this->bufferEnd += (dst - src);
        qmemcpy(this->bufferStart, strStart, bufferLen);
        strStart += bufferLen;
        while (strStart != strEnd)
    return this;

memmove() 有点棘手。 我认为代码正在检查复制字符串的末尾和缓冲区末尾之间是否有间隙,如果有,那么它实际上是从字符串的末尾移动 1 个字节buffer 到复制字符串的末尾,然后设置 bufferEnd 指向该字节。为什么呢,谁知道呢