
Centering an element with another element next to it


以上是我想要实现的,但是它是用 position: absolute; 和一些非常奇怪的定位值完成的,这当然没有响应,看起来真的很奇怪。 我的问题是我只能让父元素居中,而不仅仅是文本。图片还必须紧挨着文字对齐。


Codepen: https://codepen.io/sigurdmazanti/pen/gOxMBem


* {
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: normal;

p {
  text-align: center;

header {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  position: relative;

h2 {
  text-align: center;

img {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;

.rabbit_absolute {
  position: absolute;
  right: 540px;
  top: 20px;
<p>This text is centered</p>

<!-- position absolute -->
  <h2>This text is centered</h2><img src="https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/cute-rabbit-png-12.png" class="rabbit_absolute">

<!-- regular flexbox -->
  <h2>This text is not centered</h2><img src="https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/cute-rabbit-png-12.png" class="rabbit_flexbox">


    * {
      font-size: 30px;
      font-weight: normal;

    .cntr {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;

    img {
      width: 50px;
      height: 50px;
      <div class="cntr">
        <h2>This text is centered</h2>
        <img src="https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/cute-rabbit-png-12.png" class="rabbit_absolute">

您可能会在 flexbox 中使用边距:

* {
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: normal;

p {
  text-align: center;

header {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  position: relative;

h2 {
  text-align: center;
  margin:0 50px;

img {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  margin:0 0 0 -50px;
<p>This text is centered</p>

  <h2>This text is centered</h2><img src="https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/cute-rabbit-png-12.png" class="rabbit_flexbox">


h2 文本置于具有 text-align: center.

的常规 div(无 flex)中的 inline-block 居中

然后将图像 放入 h2,将 position: relative 应用于 h2(= 绝对定位子项的锚点)和 position: absolute 到图像,它相对于 h2 定位它。现在您只需选择与图像大小相关的负 topright 值(将其移动到 外部 父级) - 见下文。

* {
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: normal;
header {
  text-align: center;

h2 {
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;

img.rabbit {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  position: absolute;
  right: -50px;
  top: -10px;
  <h2>This text is centered<img src="https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/cute-rabbit-png-12.png" class="rabbit"></h2>

这是一个简单的技巧。首先你应该把 img 放在 h2 里面 并在图像上设置 position:absolute


      <h2>This text is centered<img src="https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/cute-rabbit-png-12.png" class="rabbit">


      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
      position: absolute;

这样您就可以使用 flexbox 将 文本 居中 h2 并且 img 将始终贴在文本的一侧