使 Spark 代码更高效、更简洁

Make a Spark code more efficient and cleaner

我有以下代码可以清理 returns 具有两列的数据框的文档语料库 (pipelineClean(corpus)):


        .select($"id" as "documentId", explode($"tokens") as "term") // explode creates a new row for each element in the given array column
        .groupBy("term", "documentId").count //group by and then count number of rows per group, returning a df with groupings and the counting
        .where($"term" =!= "") // seems like there are some tokens that are empty, even though Tokenizer should remove them
        .withColumn("posting", struct($"documentId", $"count")) // merge columns as a single {docId, termFreq}
        .select("term", "posting")
        .groupBy("term").agg(collect_list($"posting") as "postingList") // we do another grouping in order to collect the postings into a list

我的问题是:是否可以让这段代码更短 and/or 更有效率?例如,是否可以在单个 groupBy?


除了跳过 withColumn 调用并直接使用 select:

.select(col("term"), struct(col("documentId"), col("count")) as "posting")


.withColumn("posting", struct($"documentId", $"count")) // merge columns as a single {docId, termFreq}
        .select("term", "posting")