modx getResources - offset/limit 问题?

modx getResources - offset/limit issue?

我对此进行了设置,以便主博客页面显示最初的 3 个帖子,在完全加载时带有标签。


显示的前 3 个帖子在主登录页面上按日期顺序排序(最近的排在最前面),例如第 1 条、第 2 条和第 3 条

点击显示的 3 个帖子下方的 "more posts" 按钮,无限滚动分页(已设置)开始。

<button class="load-more" data-parent="5" data-current-page="1">More Posts</button>

但是当点击更多帖子时 - 返回第 3 条(再次)和第 4 条 - 而不是第 4 条和第 5 条。

 $method   = $modx->getOption('method', $scriptProperties, 'initial');
 $limit    = $modx->getOption('limit', $scriptProperties, 3);
 $parent   = $modx->getOption('parent', $scriptProperties);
 $tpl      = $modx->getOption('tpl', $scriptProperties);
 $tplFirst = $modx->getOption('tplFirst', $scriptProperties);

 $load   = (int) $_GET['page'];
$offset = 0;

if($method == "initial") {
    if($load != 0) {
        $limit = $limit * $load;
} elseif($method == "pagination") {
    $offset = $limit * ($load - 1);

$page = $modx->runSnippet('getResources', array(
    'parents'        => $parent,
    'limit'          => $limit,
    'offset'         => $offset,
    'includeTVs'     => '1',
    'tvPrefix'       => '',
    'includeContent' => '1',
    'tpl'            => $tpl,
    'tplFirst'       => $tplFirst

我试过参数并尝试更改处理 offset 的代码,但似乎无法弄清楚。



前阵子我做了类似的事情,几乎完全一样 [一定是用谷歌搜索]

我最初的 getResources 调用的唯一区别是我使用了偏移量 0

<div id="posts">
<!-- get first few articles -->


<button id="scroller" class="btn btn-primary load-more" data-parents="10,22" data-offset="6" data-posts="3">Show More Articles</button>
<button id="scolltotop" class="btn btn-primary scrollToTop" style="display:none;">Back to Top</button>

为简洁起见,这里是代码片段和 js:

    $output = array(
      'status' => 'success',
      'msg' => 'message',
      'data' => 'blaaaaaaaah',
      'lastpost' => FALSE,

    $properties = $scriptProperties['data'];

    $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Running processor: ajax.generic, scriptProperties = '. print_r($properties, TRUE));

    $limit  = $properties['limit'];
    $parents = $properties['parents'];
    $tpl    = $properties['tpl'];
    $offset = $properties['offset'];
    $depth = $properties['depth'];
    $sortby = $properties['sortby'];
    $debug = $properties['debug'];
    $showHidden = $properties['showHidden'];
    $hideContainers = $properties['hideContainers'];

    $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'tpl = ' . $tpl);

    $posts = $modx->runSnippet('getResources', array(
        'parents'       => $parents,
        'depth'         => $depth,
        'limit'         => $limit,
        'offset'        => $offset,
        'includeTVs'    => '1',
        'processTVs'    => '1',
        'includeContent' => '1',
        'tpl'           => $tpl,
        'debug'         => $debug,
        'sortby'        => $sortby,
        'showHidden'    => $showHidden,
        'hideContainers'=> $hideContainers,

   $output['posts'] = '<div class="post-group" style="display:none" >' . $posts . '</div>';

   if(strlen($posts) == 0){

   $output['lastpost'] = TRUE;


   $output = $modx->toJSON($output);

    return $output;

和 JS:

// infinite scrolling on homepage
    // use: <button id="scroller" class="btn btn-primary load-more" data-parents="10,22" data-offset="0" data-posts="5">Show More Articles</button>
    $('.load-more').click(function(e) {

        var $this = $(this);

        var offset = $'offset'); // the current offset for get resources

        var posts = $'posts'); // the number of posts to get

        var parents = $'parents'); // the parent ids to pull resources from

        var myProperties = {
            snippet: 'infiniteScroll',
            limit: posts,
            offset: offset,
            parents: parents,
            depth: 999,
            sortby: 'publishedon',
            showHidden: 1,
            debug: 1,
            tpl: 'infiniteHomePageTpl',
            hideContainers: 1
console.log('props = ' + JSON.stringify(myProperties));
            type: "POST",
            url: "/ajax.processor",
            data: myProperties,
            dataType: "json",

            success: function(response) {

                var newposts = response.posts;

                var $div = $("div#posts");



                $('body').stop().animate({scrollTop:$div.prop("scrollHeight") + $div.height()},1000);

                    $this.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
                    $this.html('no more posts');

                $'offset', (offset + posts));


            error: function(response){

        }).fail(function(jqXHR,textStatus,errorThrown) {
        }); // ajax

    }); // load more

    // scroll back to top on finished resources.

        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop : 0},800);
        return false;

Ajax 处理器

//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Running processor: ajax.generic, snippet = '. print_r($_POST, TRUE));

$output = $modx->runSnippet($_POST['snippet'], array('data' => $_POST));

header('Content-type: application/json');

return $output;