将可变参数模板与 C 样式可变参数函数混合时的模板参数推导

Template argument deduction when mixing variadic template with C-style variadic function

this answer的启发,我生成了这段代码,其输出取决于编译器:

template <typename... Args>
constexpr auto foo(Args&& ...args, ...) noexcept {
    return sizeof...(args);

constexpr auto bar() noexcept {
    return (&foo<int>)(1, 2);

如果使用 GCC 11 编译,bar 调用 foo<int> 和 returns 1,而 clang 13 和 MSVC 2019 都推导出 foo<int, int>bar returns 2.

这是我在 Godbolt 上的沙箱:https://godbolt.org/z/MedvvbzqG



如果我直接使用 return foo<int>(1, 2);,即使用

constexpr auto bar() noexcept {
    return foo<int>(1, 2);



给定foo<int>(1, 2),是否应该推导参数包以覆盖所有参数?

是的。 parameter pack确实出现在parameter-declaration-list的末尾,这是判断是否it's non-deduced or not. This was actually clarified in CWG issue 1569的标准。我们可以通过观察所有编译器都认为这是好的来说服自己:

template <typename... Args>
constexpr auto foo(Args&& ...args, ...) noexcept {
    return sizeof...(args);

static_assert(2 == foo(1, 2), "always true");


(&T<...>)(...) 形式的调用是否仍然调用模板参数推导?

答案是肯定的,正如开放 CWG 问题 1038 中所讨论的那样:

A related question concerns an example like

struct S {
    static void g(int*) {}
    static void g(long) {}
} s;

void foo() {

Because the address occurs in a call context and not in one of the contexts mentioned in 12.3 [over.over] paragraph 1, the call expression in foo is presumably ill-formed. Contrast this with the similar example

void g1(int*) {}
void g1(long) {}

void foo1() {

This call presumably is well-formed because [over.match.call] applies to “the address of a set of overloaded functions.” (This was clearer in the wording prior to the resolution of issue 704: “...in this context using &F behaves the same as using the name F by itself.”) It's not clear that there's any reason to treat these two cases differently.

正如注释所解释的,在 issue 704 之前我们有这个非常明确的部分:

The fourth case arises from a postfix-expression of the form &F, where F names a set of overloaded functions. In the context of a function call, &F is treated the same as the name F by itself. Thus, (&F)( expression-listopt ) is simply F( expression-listopt ), which is discussed in


If the postfix-expression denotes the address of a set of overloaded functions and/or function templates, overload resolution is applied using that set as described above.