在 "nodejs" 中使用“@sendgrid/mail”发送 "base64" 电子邮件 "attachments" 时遇到问题

Having issues sending "base64" email "attachments" using "@sendgrid/mail" in "nodejs"

所以,基本上我想发送一个 base64 编码的 .zip 文件作为@sendgrid/mail 中的电子邮件附件。文件是这样保存在MongoDB中的,

我正在获取数据并使用 .toString("base64") 像这样将二进制数据“file.buffer”转换为 base64,

console.log('Converting to base64')
plugin.file.buffer = plugin.file.buffer.toString('base64')

它完美地转换为 base64(我知道它正在工作,因为我也在 .ejs 文件中使用那个“plugin.file”作为下载按钮,像这样,

<a class="btn btn-success btn-sm" download="plugin.zip" href="data:application/zip;base64,<%- plugin %>" role="button">Download</a>

所以,现在我将使用那个“插件”向用户发送电子邮件,所以我在呈现 ejs 页面之前做这样的事情,

if (req.session.email) await sendMail(req.session.email , "Thanks for purchasing" , "Here is your delivery!" , plugin)
res.render('success' , {payment , type: "Payment" , discord , plugin: plugin.file.buffer})


因此,问题出在 email.js 文件的 sendMail() 函数中。既不是给我发邮件也不是附件。

在显示该函数 () 中的代码之前,我的 api 键等是正确的,因为每当用户创建帐户时我也会发送邮件,在这种情况下,一切正常,邮件正在发送。但是每当我包含附件逻辑时,邮件和附件都不会发送!所以,这是我的代码:-

const { MAILER_API_KEY } = require('../config.json')
const mailer = require('@sendgrid/mail')

async function sendMail(email , subject , text , plugin) {
    mailOptions = {
        to: email,
        from: 'zoomdev.code@gmail.com',
        subject: subject,
        text: text

    // if this if statement is false i.e. plugin is undefined(whenever the user is signing up, he/she doesnt need attachment or stuff. The attachment email is being sent whenever the payment is completed and the file is being sent to the user) it works fine. But sending an attachment doesn't work. The email and attachment doesn't get sent!
    if (plugin) mailOptions.attachments = [{
        content: plugin.file.buffer,
        filename: plugin.file.originalname,
        type: 'application/zip', // Here, I have also tried using "application/x-zip-compressed", the type saved in the database and it is the same! :(
        disposition: 'attachment'

    await mailer.send(mailOptions).then(res => {
        return true
    }).catch(err => {
        return false
    console.log('Mail sent to ' + email)

module.exports = { sendMail }


Executing Payment
Converting to base64
Updating user
// ^ these are something else. Ignore them

// this is the JSON.stringify(... console.log in sendMail function last lines
[{"statusCode":202,"body":"","headers":{"server":"nginx","date":"Fri, 22 Oct 2021 06:57:18 GMT","content-length":"0","connection":"close","x-message-id":"QpxSudqkRGytDU7YFleVgA","access-control-allow-origin":"https://sendgrid.api-docs.io","access-control-allow-methods":"POST","access-control-allow-headers":"Authorization, Content-Type, On-behalf-of, x-sg-elas-acl","access-control-max-age":"600","x-no-cors-reason":"https://sendgrid.com/docs/Classroom/Basics/API/cors.html","strict-transport-security":"max-age=600; includeSubDomains"}},""]
Mail sent to <my email , I have edited this part for privacy, but it correctly logs the email>


  1. 我正在使用 express@^4.17.1
  2. @sendgrid/mail@^7.4.7
  3. 我检查了垃圾邮件文件夹和所有内容

此处为 Twilio SendGrid 开发人员布道师。

使用 Gmail 地址作为发件人地址并不是发送电子邮件的好方法。这样做意味着您在欺骗电子邮件地址,即使它是您的电子邮件地址。

当您仿冒这样的电子邮件地址时,电子邮件服务器无法证明它有权为该地址发送电子邮件。 SPF and DKIM 是您可以用来证明您控制电子邮件来源域的方法,但是当您使用 Gmail 地址(或任何其他邮箱提供商)时,您将看起来像是在欺骗,接收邮箱可能会选择丢弃您的电子邮件或将它们放入垃圾邮件收件箱。

您可能已经成功地使用此方法发送和接收了您的帐户创建电子邮件,但邮箱提供商在接收带有 zip 文件附件的电子邮件时会受到更多限制。整个事情看起来很可疑,邮箱可能会拒绝它、发送垃圾邮件或悄悄删除它。

这里的建议只是 don't send emails from a domain that you don't control. What you should do is get a domain that you want to send emails from, set up domain authentication for that domain,与通过欺骗 Gmail 相比,您将更有可能将电子邮件发送到用户的收件箱。