AppleScript - 如何让动作忽略它们嵌套在其中的 tell 语句?

AppleScript - how to have actions ignore the tell statements they are nested within?

我认为我使用 ignoring application responses 不正确。


在下面的示例中,有一个依赖于 application "System Events"application process myApp 等的重复循环。但是无论此循环中有什么操作,我都希望这些忽略 application "System Events"application process myApp,等等。我该如何实现?

set myApp to "someApp"
set pPath to POSIX file "/Volumes/myDisk/outputPath"

tell application myApp to activate

tell application "System Events"
    tell application process myApp
        tell window myApp

            --some code here

            repeat while progress indicator 1 of sheet 1 exists
                ignoring application responses
                    set newPath to POSIX file pPath as alias
                    set currentDate to current date
                end ignoring
            end repeat

            --some code here

        end tell
    end tell
end tell


get POSIX file (file "myDisk:outputPath:") of application process "somApp"
error "No result was returned from some part of this expression."

在这里,我希望 get POSIX file (file "myDisk:outputPath:") of application process "somApp" 只是 get POSIX file (file "myDisk:outputPath:")

pPath 已经是 POSIX file,删除 POSIX file

set newPath to pPath as alias

在这种情况下,使用 HFS 路径更简单

set hPath to "myDisk:outputPath"


set newPath to alias hPath 

这完全取决于谁拥有命令。知道谁拥有该命令,您可以使用嵌套的 tell 语句将其重定向到正确的应用程序(或框架)。例如,在这里我试图将(当前日期)命令重定向到 已安装脚本添加 .

set myApp to "someApp"
set pPath to POSIX file "/Volumes/myDisk/outputPath"
set newPath to pPath as alias

tell application myApp to activate

tell application "System Events" to tell process myApp to tell window 1
    --some code here
    repeat while progress indicator 1 of sheet 1 exists
        tell scripting additions to set currentDate to current date
    end repeat
    --some code here
end tell

但这并不总是有帮助。 正确且稳定的解决方案 是“解耦”嵌套的 tell 块并将它们转换为单独的 tell 块。在你的例子中,我会这样做:

set myApp to "someApp"
set pPath to POSIX file "/Volumes/myDisk/outputPath"
set newPath to pPath as alias

tell application myApp to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell process myApp to tell window 1
    --some code here
end tell

set indicatorExists to true
repeat while indicatorExists
    tell application "System Events" to tell process myApp to tell window 1
        set indicatorExists to progress indicator 1 of sheet 1 exists
    end tell
    set currentDate to current date -- now this command is not nested
end repeat

tell application "System Events" to tell process myApp to tell window 1
    --some code here
end tell