在 Kibana 的 Vega 中,如何在一个请求中从两个不同的聚合创建层

In Kibana's Vega, how can I create layers from two different aggs in one request

在 Elasticsearch 的 HTTP API 中,您可以在对 _search API 的单个请求中进行分桶聚合和度量聚合。在 Kibana 的 Vega 环境中,如何创建 Vega 可视化,它使用单个 _search 请求和桶聚合和指标聚合;然后制作一个图表,其中一层使用存储桶中的数据,一层使用指标中的数据?


假设我们是帽子制造商。多家商店出售我们的帽子。我们有一个 Elasticsearch 索引 hat-sales,每次我们的一顶帽子售出时都有一个文档。本文档中包含出售帽子的商店。


  "type": "top",
  "color": "black",
  "price": 19,
  "store": "Macy's"
  "type": "fez",
  "color": "red",
  "price": 94,
  "store": "Walmart"

我想创建一个条形图来显示前 3 家商店的帽子销量。我也想要 此图表上的水平规则显示所有商店销售的帽子的平均数量 - 而不仅仅是前 3 名。这是我希望图表看起来像的 草图

如果我们这样做,让 Vega 计算平均值:

  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v2.json",
  "title": "Hat Sales",
  "data": {
    "url": {
      "index": "hat-sales",
      "body": {
        "size": 0,
        "query": {"match_all": {}},
        "aggs": {"stores": {"terms": {"field": "store.keyword", "size": 3}}}
    "format": {"property": "aggregations.stores.buckets"}
  "transform": [
    {"calculate": "datum.key", "as": "store"},
    {"calculate": "datum.doc_count", "as": "count"}
  "layer": [
      "name": "Sales of top 3 stores",
      "mark": "bar",
      "encoding": {
        "x": {"type": "nominal", "field": "store", "sort": "-y"},
        "y": {"type": "quantitative", "field": "count"}
      "name": "Average number of sales over all stores",
      "mark": {"type": "rule", "color": "red"},
      "encoding": {"y": {"aggregate": "mean", "field": "count"}}

看起来像这样: 那么水平规则将只是前 3 家商店的平均值。相反,我们需要向 Elasticsearch 请求添加另一个指标聚合,计算 全球 商店销售帽子的平均值 ()。我们想做这样的事情:

  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v2.json",
  "title": "Hat Sales",
  "data": {
    "url": {
      "index": "hat-sales",
      "body": {
        "size": 0,
        "query": {"match_all": {}},
        "aggs": {
          "stores": {"terms": {"field": "store.keyword", "size": 3}},
          "global": {
            "filters": {
              "filters": {"all": {"exists": {"field": "store.keyword"}}}
            "aggs": {
              "count": {"value_count": {"field": "store.keyword"}},
              "unique_count": {"cardinality": {"field": "store.keyword"}},
              "global_average": {
                "bucket_script": {
                  "buckets_path": {"total": "count", "unique": "unique_count"},
                  "script": "params.total / params.unique"
    "format": {"property": "aggregations.stores.buckets"}
  "transform": [
    {"calculate": "datum.key", "as": "store"},
    {"calculate": "datum.doc_count", "as": "count"}
  "layer": [
      "name": "Sales of top 3 stores",
      "mark": "bar",
      "encoding": {
        "x": {"type": "nominal", "field": "store", "sort": "-y"},
        "y": {"type": "quantitative", "field": "count"}
      "name": "Average number of sales over all stores",
      "mark": {"type": "rule", "color": "red"},

但是我怎样才能让一层使用来自 "aggregations.stores.buckets" 的数据而另一层使用来自 "aggregations.global.buckets" 的数据来访问 global_average


  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
  "description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
  "data": {
    "url": {
      "index": "hat-sales",
      "body": {
        "size": 0,
        "query": {"match_all": {}},
        "aggs": {
          "stores": {"terms": {"field": "store.keyword", "size": 3}},
          "global": {
            "filters": {
              "filters": {"all": {"exists": {"field": "store.keyword"}}}
            "aggs": {
              "count": {"value_count": {"field": "store.keyword"}},
              "unique_count": {"cardinality": {"field": "store.keyword"}},
              "global_average": {
                "bucket_script": {
                  "buckets_path": {"total": "count", "unique": "unique_count"},
                  "script": "params.total / params.unique"
  "transform": [
    {"flatten": ["aggregations.stores.buckets"]},
    {"calculate": "datum['aggregations.stores.buckets'].key", "as": "store"},
      "calculate": "datum['aggregations.stores.buckets'].doc_count",
      "as": "count"
      "calculate": "datum.aggregations.global.buckets.all.global_average.value",
      "as": "global_average"
  "layer": [
      "name": "Sales of top 3 stores",
      "mark": "bar",
      "encoding": {
        "x": {"type": "nominal", "field": "store", "sort": "-y"},
        "y": {"type": "quantitative", "field": "count"}
      "name": "Global Average",
      "mark": {"type": "rule", "color": "red"},
      "encoding": {"y": {"field": "global_average", "type": "quantitative"}}

它不太理想,因为 flatten 转换使得单个 datum 对象稍微大一些。同样令人困惑的是,一旦你将 aggregations.stores.buckets 展平,它就变成了 datum 字段的字面名称 - "aggregations.stores.buckets"-- 必须通过方括号表示法访问,因为它包含句点.