
How does a recursive function iterate?



fib(int n) {
    if (n <= 1) { //Base Case
        return n;

    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

所以我主要对理解函数如何迭代有问题,但它仍然没有 有道理,当我一步一步打印每个迭代时。


例如,如果我们传入 n=6,第一个数字应该是 9,下一步 n=11,然后它会变得更大。但是当我打印它时,算法从 6-0 开始倒计时,然后我得到 0 到 2 之间的随机数,直到它给我正确的数字。

当你传入 n=6 时,你的函数被调用了两次,分别是 n=5 和 n=4

对于 n=5,它被调用两次,n=4 和 n=3

对于 n=4,它被调用两次,n=3 和 n=2,


最终,所有调用都变为 n=1 或 n=0,其中您的第一个 if 语句停止递归。


#include <stdio.h>

fib(int n){
    int retValue=0;
  printf("Trying to determine fibonacci at index %d.", n);
  if(n<=1){ //Base Case
    printf(" Easy, it is %d.\n", n);
    return n;
   printf(" No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index %d and index %d.\n", n-1, n-2);
   retValue= fib(n-1)+fib(n-2);
   printf("I now know the fibonaccis at index %d and at index %d, their sum is %d.\n", n-1, n-2, retValue);
   return retValue;

int main()
    const int TryWith = 6;
    printf ("The fibonacci at index %d is %d.\n", TryWith, fib(TryWith));

    return 0;


Trying to determine fibonacci at index 6. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 5 and index 4.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 5. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 4 and index 3.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 4. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 3 and index 2.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 3. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 2 and index 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 2. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 1 and index 0.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 0. Easy, it is 0.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 1 and at index 0, their sum is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 2 and at index 1, their sum is 2.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 2. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 1 and index 0.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 0. Easy, it is 0.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 1 and at index 0, their sum is 1.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 3 and at index 2, their sum is 3.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 3. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 2 and index 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 2. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 1 and index 0.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 0. Easy, it is 0.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 1 and at index 0, their sum is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 2 and at index 1, their sum is 2.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 4 and at index 3, their sum is 5.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 4. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 3 and index 2.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 3. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 2 and index 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 2. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 1 and index 0.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 0. Easy, it is 0.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 1 and at index 0, their sum is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 2 and at index 1, their sum is 2.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 2. No idea. But I could sum up the fibonaccis at index 1 and index 0.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 1. Easy, it is 1.
Trying to determine fibonacci at index 0. Easy, it is 0.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 1 and at index 0, their sum is 1.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 3 and at index 2, their sum is 3.
I now know the fibonaccis at index 5 and at index 4, their sum is 8.
The fibonacci at index 6 is 8.

n 永远不会改变。它不会变小。相反,每个调用都有自己的 n.


int fact(int n) {
   if (n <= 1) {
      return 1;

  return n * fact(n-1);
  • fact(1)1。那很简单。
  • fact(2)2 * fact(1)。由上可知,fact(1)1,所以fact(2)2 * 1,也就是2.
  • fact(3)就是3 * fact(2),就是3 * 2,就是6
  • fact(4)就是4 * fact(3),就是4 * 6,就是24
  • fact(5)就是5 * fact(4),就是5 * 24,就是120
  • 等等


  • fib(0)1
  • fib(1)1
  • fib(2)就是fib(1) + fib(0),就是1 + 1,就是2
  • fib(3)就是fib(2) + fib(1),也就是2 + 1,就是3
  • fib(4)就是fib(3) + fib(2),就是3 + 2,就是5
  • fib(5)就是fib(4) + fib(3),就是5 + 3,就是8


= fib(4)                                     + fib(3)
= fib(3)                   + fib(2)          + fib(2)          + fib(1)
= fib(2)          + fib(1) + fib(1) + fib(0) + fib(1) + fib(0) + 1
= fib(1) + fib(0) + 1      + 1      + 1      + 1      + 1      + 1
= 1      + 1      + 1      + 1      + 1      + 1      + 1      + 1
= 8

fib(5) 总共调用了 15 次 fib

  • fib(0): 1 个调用。
  • fib(1):1 个电话。
  • fib(2): 3 个调用。
  • fib(3):5 个调用。
  • fib(4): 9 次调用。
  • fib(5): 15 次调用。


递归函数的基本特征是它调用自身。递归函数并不像您所理解的那样迭代。相反,它会反复出现 occurs

在你的 fib 函数中,调用自身的部分在 return.

return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

在这种情况下,它实际上调用了自己两次。首先,输入变量减 1 fib(n - 1),其次输入变量减 2 fib(n - 2),它一直调用自己,直到 n 小于或等于 1。一旦到达在这种情况下,函数开始 return 返回数字。首先,它 returns 0 和 1 但之后它开始 return 将数字相加。执行步骤见@cptFracassa的回答。

注意事项;如果递归函数没有 base/exit 情况,那么它只会不断地调用自己,直到您终止进程或机器发生错误。在您的情况下,基本情况是 if 最终停止调用自身而只是 return 一个数字。


函数调用通常被解释为将一些数据压入调用堆栈的操作,然后调整堆栈引用框架,然后调用的函数对堆栈顶部的参数进行操作。函数调用的 return 从调用堆栈弹出数据,函数结果在调用点 returned 给调用者。


#define MAX_STACK_SIZE 256

typedef struct {
    enum { INIT, ONE, DONE } ra;
    int n;
    int result;
} frame_type;

#define PUSH(...) stack[head++] = ((frame_type){__VA_ARGS__})
#define POP()     stack[--head]
#define TOP()     stack[head-1]
#define EMPTY()   (head == 0)

ra 模拟一个 return 地址,这是被调用函数知道如何 return 给调用者的方式。 n是入参,result是存放函数调用结果的地方。

递归调用将用循环模拟。 CALL() 宏显示保留正确的 return 地址,将新的堆栈帧压入堆栈以启动递归调用,并使用 continue 重新启动循环,从而使用新的函数启动函数堆栈框架。

#define CALL(N) \
        TOP().ra = top.ra + 1; \
        PUSH(INIT, (N), 0); \

RET() 宏从递归调用中模拟 returning。它弹出当前函数调用堆栈帧,然后将计算结果存储到调用者的结果变量中。使用 continue 重新启动循环允许调用者在被调用函数的 return 之后的适当位置继续。

#define RET(X) \
        POP(); \
        TOP().result += (X); \

那么现在,让我们看看 fib() 函数使用这些宏会是什么样子。

A stackhead 被定义为为函数提供一个实际堆栈以使用宏进行操作。然后,有一些引导代码为 stack 初始函数调用提供一些起始上下文。

while 实现了传统的命令式循环,用于模拟递归迭代。 top用于保留当前栈帧,switch语句用于跳转到适当的return地址。

int fib(int n) {
    frame_type stack[MAX_STACK_SIZE];
    int head = 0;

    PUSH(DONE, 0, 0); // Bootstrapping call
    PUSH(INIT, n, 0);
    while (head > 1) {
        frame_type top = TOP();
        switch (top.ra) {
        case INIT: if (top.n < 2) {
                   } else {
        case ONE:      CALL(top.n-2);
        case DONE: if (head == 1) break;
    return stack->result;

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