如何在 Java DefaultExecutor & CommandLine 执行 shell 脚本时检索可能的 shell 脚本退出代码?

How to retrieve possible shell script exit codes when Executed shell script by Java DefaultExecutor & CommandLine?

我正在使用 Java 程序中的 DefaultExecutor 和 CommandLine 执行 shell 脚本。


但如果失败或任何其他退出代码(如 127,128,255 等) 来自 shell 脚本,则不会收到相应的退出代码,而是收到 IOException。

int iExitValue = 1;
CommandLine cmd = CommandLine.parse("sh /Users/DpakG/scripts/do_Database_Operations.sh");
DefaultExecutor oDefaultExecutor = new DefaultExecutor();
try {
    iExitValue = oDefaultExecutor.execute(cmd);
    log.info("Script Exit Code: " + iExitValue);
} catch (IOException e) {
    log.error("IOException occurred: ", e);


documentation for DefaultExecutor::execute() 说它抛出

ExecuteException - execution of subprocess failed or the subprocess returned a exit value indicating a failure

ExecuteExceptionIOException 的子类,因此它会被您的代码捕获。如果您改为尝试(也)捕获正确的异常,则可以使用它的 getExitValue() 方法来获取退出状态。

int iExitValue = 1;
CommandLine cmd = CommandLine.parse("sh /Users/DpakG/scripts/do_Database_Operations.sh");
DefaultExecutor oDefaultExecutor = new DefaultExecutor();
try {
    iExitValue = oDefaultExecutor.execute(cmd);
    log.info("Script succeeded with exit code " + iExitValue); // Always successful (0)
} catch (ExecuteException e) {
    log.info("Script failed with exit code " + e.getExitValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
    log.error("IOException occurred: ", e);


对于 Success 退出代码,使用 setExitValues() 和 int 成功代码数组而不是 'setExitValue()' 将单个退出代码作为整数值。

int[] codes = {0,127,128};

其余 失败 退出代码将在 ExecuteException 块

catch (ExecuteException exe) {
    iExitValue = exe.getExitValue();
    log.info("Script failed with exit code: " + iExitValue);


int iExitValue = 1;
CommandLine cmd = CommandLine.parse("sh /Users/DpakG/scripts/do_Database_Operations.sh");
DefaultExecutor oDefaultExecutor = new DefaultExecutor();
int[] successCodes = {0,127,128};
try {
    iExitValue = oDefaultExecutor.execute(cmd);
    log.info("Script succeeded with exit code " + iExitValue); // Either 0, 127 or 128 
} catch (ExecuteException exe) {
    iExitValue = exe.getExitValue();
    log.info("Script failed with exit code: " + iExitValue);
} catch (IOException ie) {
    log.error("IOException occurred: ", ie);