Tcl 拆分列表中的列表元素

Tcl split list elements in the list



前列者:{{aa, bb, cc, dd, ee;} {ff, gg, hh, ii, jj;}}


后名单:{aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj}

我尝试使用 split 命令来处理它们,但是 beforelist 有一些棘手的地方:逗号、分号。


#!/usr/bin/env tclsh

set beforelist {{aa, bb, cc, dd, ee;} {ff, gg, hh, ii, jj;}}

# Iterate over each element of each list in beforelist and remove
# trailing commas and semicolons before appending to afterlist
set afterlist {}
foreach sublist $beforelist {
    foreach elem $sublist {
        lappend afterlist [regsub {[,;]$} $elem ""]
puts "{$afterlist}"

# Remove all commas and semicolons at the end of a word followed by space
# or close brace, then append sublists to afterlist.
set afterlist {}
foreach sublist [regsub -all {\M[,;](?=[ \}])} $beforelist ""] {
    lappend afterlist {*}$sublist
puts "{$afterlist}"


% set beforeList {{aa, bb, cc, dd, ee;} {ff, gg, hh, ii, jj;}}
{aa, bb, cc, dd, ee;} {ff, gg, hh, ii, jj;}
% string map {\{ "" \} "" \; "" , ""} $beforeList
aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj

如果我们删除标点符号,我们将剩下 2 个可以连接的列表

set afterlist [concat {*}[string map {, "" ; ""} $beforelist]]