
Overload resolution with generics and implicit conversion


static class Foo
    public static Bar Do(Func<Bar> f) => null;
    public static Bar<TOut> Do<TOut>(Func<Bar<TOut>> f) => null;

public class Bar

public class Bar<TOut>
    public static implicit operator Bar<TOut>(TOut i) => null;

// Here compiler complains:
// CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'Bar'
// CS1662 Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type 
// because some of the return types in the block
// are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type
Foo.Do(() => 1);

我的期望是编译器会看到 lambda 的 return 类型,并且除非 int 转换为 Bar<int>,否则无法选择有效的重载。 但是,我看到编译器解析为第一种方法。


这在 Method Invocations 中指定,当规范讨论什么方法声明算作重载解析的 候选 时,对于形式的调用 M(A):

The set of candidate methods for the method invocation is constructed. For each method F associated with the method group M:

  • If F is non-generic, F is a candidate when:
    • M has no type argument list, and
    • F is applicable with respect to A.
  • If F is generic and M has no type argument list, F is a candidate when:
    • Type inference succeeds, inferring a list of type arguments for the call, and
    • [...]

仅从这些规则中,我们可以看出非泛型 Do 候选者,而泛型 Do 不是,因为类型推理失败。尝试注释掉非泛型 Do,您会看到它说“无法推断类型参数”之类的内容。


观察 1:删除 Do 的非通用版本:

static class Foo
    public static Bar Do(Func<Bar> f) => null;

public class Bar
    public static implicit operator Bar(int i) => null;

// CS0411: The type arguments for method 'Foo.Do<TOut>(Func<Bar<TOut>>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
Foo.Do(() => 1);

,编译器仍然无法解析 Func<Bar<TOut>> f。因此,问题似乎不是关于选择错误的重载,而是编译器根本无法将 () => 1 隐式匹配到 Func<Bar<TOut>> f

观察 2:下面的代码有效

static class Foo
    public static Bar Do(Func<Bar> f) => null;

public class Bar
    public static implicit operator Bar(int i) => null;

Foo.Do(() => 1);


观察 3:使隐式转换运算符在输入中采用 int,尽管这会使运算符实际上不可用,因为 TOut 不会已解决,使编译器找到运算符:

static class Foo
    public static Bar<TOut> Do<TOut>(Func<Bar<TOut>> f) => null;

public class Bar<TOut>
    public static implicit operator Bar<TOut>(int i) => null; // Input is `int` now
// CS0411: The type arguments for method 'Foo.Do<TOut>(Func<Bar<TOut>>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
Foo.Do(() => 1);
