如何在更短的时间内更高效地生成 Python 的数独

How can I generate Sudoku in Python in less time and more efficiently

我的目标是用 1 到 N^2 范围内的正整数填充 N^2*N^2 的网格,满足以下规则:

1 到 N^2 范围内的每个整数在每列、每行和第 N * N 部分中只出现一次。

为了解决这个问题,我尝试制作一个 3x3 数独代码,它可以生成一个包含我们想要填充的单元格的数独,但是每当我尝试生成包含所有单元格的数独时,我的电脑都无法生成handle it,哪里可以改进这种算法。

import random
def MakeSudoku():
    Grid = [[0 for x in range(9)] for y in range(9)]
    for i in range(9):
        for j in range(9):
            Grid[i][j] = 0
    # The range here is the amount
    # of numbers in the grid
    for i in range(5):
        #choose random numbers
        row = random.randrange(9)
        col = random.randrange(9)
        num = random.randrange(1,10)
        while(not CheckValid(Grid,row,col,num) or Grid[row][col] != 0): #if taken or not valid reroll
            row = random.randrange(9)
            col = random.randrange(9)
            num = random.randrange(1,10)
        Grid[row][col]= num;
def Printgrid(Grid):
    TableTB = "|--------------------------------|"
    TableMD = "|----------+----------+----------|"
    for x in range(9):
        for y in range(9):
            if ((x == 3 or x == 6) and y == 0):
            if (y == 0 or y == 3 or y== 6):
                print("|", end=" ")
            print(" " + str(Grid[x][y]), end=" ")
            if (y == 8):
#     |-----------------------------|
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     |---------+---------+---------|
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     |---------+---------+---------|
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
#     |-----------------------------|
def CheckValid(Grid,row,col,num):
    #check if in row
    valid = True
    #check row and column
    for x in range(9):
        if (Grid[x][col] == num):
            valid = False
    for y in range(9):
        if (Grid[row][y] == num):
            valid = False
    rowsection = row // 3
    colsection = col // 3
    for x in range(3):
        for y in range(3):
            #check if section is valid
            if(Grid[rowsection*3 + x][colsection*3 + y] == num):
                valid = False
    return valid

部分问题是 or Grid[row][col]!=0 当您有一个有效的网格时创建一个无限循环。

但总的来说,您搜索的 space 太大了。每个有效的 9x9 数独在每一行中都有一个数字 1-9,对于您使用 属性 生成的每个网格,您会发现 1.8e27 而不是。这只是我的电脑马铃薯可以处理的。

我所知道的大多数策略都退回到广度或深度优先搜索某种风格(从 empty/partial 解决方案开始,添加一点,如果它返回一个或多个步骤导致网格破损)。我也会在这里做同样的事情。


  • 我们按顺序排列每个数字(1s,然后 2s,...)。大多数这样做的方法都以有效的数独结束,而尤其是对于较大的数独,一次构建一个正方形通常以无效的数独结束。

  • 对于每个数字,我们按顺序处理行。这本身并不是强制性的,但对于我们设置为跟踪数独冲突的 hacky 数据结构(变量 idx),它允许我们在回溯潜在解决方案的隐式图时完全避免清理成本。

  • M+2 的值初始化网格只是清理了一点点逻辑。我认为 None 更具自我描述性,但是你需要用 (not el or el >= x).

    之类的东西来实际处理 None 的情况,而不是 el>=x
  • 对于大于 36x36 左右的任何东西,您将需要某种更高级的方法。高达 45x45 左右,您可能只需使用 cython 或类似工具来获得编译速度,但除此之外,您将需要更好的算法。 IIRC,数独的某些方面是NP难的;我不确定这是否只是事情的 solving/uniqueness 方面,或者生成完整的电路板是否也被证明是困难的。不过,我听说人们很容易生成 100x100 的电路板,所以无论如何我怀疑存在比我发布的更好的解决方案。

from random import sample, shuffle
from collections import deque

def rand_grid(w, h):
    M = w*h
    grid = [[M+2]*M for _ in range(M)]

    # A stack of the next cells we'll try to fill in.
    # This is sorted by the cell value, then by the row index.
    stack = deque((0, k, 1) for k in sample(range(M), M))

    # We want a cheap/easy way to check if we're about to violate a sudoku
    # rule for a given placement, and we need it to remain cheap upon
    # backtracking. For any cell-value x, idx[x][i]==j means that
    # grid[i][j]==x. Since our stack is processed in row-order we can
    # ignore the tail of any sub-list and never have to clean up after
    # ourselves
    idx = [[None]*M for _ in range(1+M)]
    while True:
        i, j, x = stack.pop()
        idx[x][i] = j

        # We've successfully filled the last row in the grid for a given
        # cell-value x. Clean up and either move to x+1 or return the
        # completely filled grid.
        if i==M-1:
            # If we go forward/backward past this cell-value x we might
            # fill the grid with extra xs. We could handle that by treating
            # idx as the source of truth till we construct the final grid,
            # but we don't backtrack across cell-value changes often and
            # do need to enumerate empty cells in a given row often, so it's
            # cheaper overall to clean up the grid just a little right now.
            # Better data structures probably exist.
            for a,row in enumerate(grid):
                for b,el in enumerate(row):
                    if el==x:
                        row[b] = M+2
            # Since we've finished placing cell-value x everywhere, update the
            # grid to reflect that fact
            for a,b in enumerate(idx[x]):
                grid[a][b] = x
            # The cell-value we just placed was the last one available. Hooray!
            if x==M:
                return grid
            # The next place we'll try to fill is row 0 with cell-value x+1
                i, x = 0, x+1

        # The next place we'll try to fill is row i+1 with cell-value x
            i += 1
        # At this point i and x represent the row/value we're about to attempt to
        # fill. We construct a set s of the columns which have been filled with x,
        # and a set t of tuples representing the upper-left corner of each box which
        # has been filled with x in order to cheaply check for column/box conflicts.
        s = set(idx[x][:i])
        t = {(w*(a//w), h*(b//h)) for a,b in enumerate(idx[x][:i])}

        # Valid candidates don't conflict with existing smaller digits or with the
        # same digit in any already placed column/box.
        candidates = [(i, k, x) for k,el in enumerate(grid[i])
          if el>=x and k not in s and (w*(i//w), h*(k//h)) not in t]

# rand_grid(3, 3) creates a 9x9 Sudoku
# rand_grid(4, 5) creates a 20x20 Sudoku with 4-wide by 5-tall boxes
# rand_grid(n, n) is the MakeSudoku(n) function you asked for