使用字符串 Unity 从游戏对象获取脚本

Getting a script from a gameobject using a string Unity

我正在为我的 FPS 游戏开发一个简单的武器控制器,但在尝试使其动态化时遇到了一个问题。当玩家拿起武器时,我想要发生的是将武器统计数据和效果设置为默认值。为此,每种武器都有一个脚本

weapon.name + "Stats"


string weaponScriptName = weapon.name + "Stats";

其中weapon代表当前装备的武器gameobject。显然,这是行不通的,我在 Unity 帮助页面上找到的各种实现只会导致更多错误。我该怎么做才能解决这个问题?


如果我没记错的话,你想做类似 GetComponent<"Transform">() 的事情吗? 如果是这样,您应该 GetComponent("Transform"); 而不是

GetComponent 有多个重载。

  • 有你所指的generic版本-最常用的

    T GetComponent<T>()


    var renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
  • 有一个使用动态Type

     Component GetComponent (Type type)


     // Just an example, there are many ways of getting a type
     var type = typeof(Renderer);
     var renderer = (Renderer) GetComponent(type);
  • 终于有人拿了 string

    Component GetComponent (string typeName);


    // Again just an example, there are many ways of getting type names
    // Especially when dealing with multiple assemblies you might even have to use the AssemblyQualifiedName
    var renderer = (Renderer) GetComponent("Renderer");

请注意,对于任何动态版本,您都必须 键入 cast 或者如果仅具有通用 Component 引用就足够了,您可以使用它当然。


它总是很慢而且容易出错。而是使用例如一些共同的基础 class 或 interface,或使用枚举或 Dictionary 来决定对哪个状态做什么。


public interface IWeapon
    void UseWeapon();


public class WeaponA : MonoBehaviour, IWeapon
    public void UseWeapon ()
        Debug.Log("Used Weapon A");

public class WeaponB : MonoBehaviour, IWeapon
    public void UseWeapon ()
        Debug.Log("Used Weapon B");


var weapon = someObject.GetComponent<IWeapon>(). UseWeapon();

或者如果你的武器都有一些共同的实现,比如拾取等,而不是有一个共同的基础 class

public abstract class BaseWeapon : MonoBehaviour
    // Everything that all weapons share as behavior and properties

    // every subclass HAS TO implement and override this method
    public abstract void UseWeapon ();

    // Alternatively if there even is some common behavior
    // subclasses CAN but don't have to override this
    //public virtual void UseWeapon ()
    //    // Implementation that is the default behavior


public class WeaponA : BaseWeapon
    public override void UseWeapon ()
        Debug.Log("Used Weapon A");

        // If using virtual before then this class IGNORES and fully overwrites the default implementation

public class WeaponB : BaseWeapon
    public override void UseWeapon ()
        // If using virtual and you WANT the default behavior then add

        Debug.Log("Used Weapon B");       


var weapon = someObject.GetComponent<BaseWeapon>(). UseWeapon();