Fortran 程序没有正确更新变量的值
Fortran program doesn't update a variable's value properly
我正在尝试在 Fortran 中实现二分法子例程来解决计算科学程序,而 Fortran 正在做一些奇怪的事情。因此,该程序的目标是找到某个参数 e0
的超越方程的解,该参数在 for 循环中每一步更新并传递给子例程。
未按应有的方式更新。 e0
的值在一次迭代中从 0.1799... 变为 0.8999...,而理论上程序应该进行 9 次交互才能到达那里。为什么会这样?
- 打印语句未按应有的方式打印(请参阅下面的输出)。我们期望“out 1”打印,一些“in”打印(当子例程
有时被子例程 Bisection
调用时打印),然后是“out 2”打印(使用新的 e0 值),一些“in”打印等。但是我们看到第一个“out 1”打印,一些“in”打印,然后只有“out”打印。这是否意味着子例程 f1
仅在“out 1”和“out 2”之间被调用? (应该在每次“输出”打印之间调用它)
我已经使用 Fortran77 进行数值求解几年了,从来没有遇到过这样的事情,但是我已经将近 6 个月没有编程了,所以也许我错过了一个重要的事情。
program roots
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,e0,e1
integer i,niter
external f1
A = 1d-1
B = 9d-1
eps = 10d-6
do i=1,9
e0 = i*(B-A)/10 + A
c Here is the first print. 'Out' meaning outside the subroutine
print *, 'out', i, e0
call Bisection(A,B,eps,f1,niter,e1,e0)
write (9,'(2(f10.5))') e0,e1
end do
end program roots
subroutine Bisection(A,B,eps,f,niter,xroot,e0)
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,xroot,fuc,fua,e0
integer niter,i
niter = nint(log((B-A)/eps)/log(2.))+1
do i=1,niter
xroot = (A+B)/2
c Here the subroutine which uses e0 is called twice
call f(xroot,fuc,e0)
call f(A,fua,e0)
if (fuc .eq. 0) return
if (fuc*fua .lt. 0.) then
B = xroot
A = xroot
end if
end do
end subroutine Bisection
subroutine f1(x,f,e0)
implicit none
double precision x,f,e0
c Here is the second print. 'In' meaning inside the subroutine
print *, 'in', e0
f = e0+1
end subroutine f1
out 1 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
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in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
out 2 0.89999511718750003
out 3 0.89999572753906254
out 4 0.89999633789062505
out 5 0.89999694824218746
out 6 0.89999755859374997
out 7 0.89999816894531248
out 8 0.89999877929687500
out 9 0.89999938964843751
深入查看代码后,我终于找到了问题所在。问题是变量 A
和 B
都是输入和输出,因为它们在子程序内部被修改。因此,当第一次调用子程序时,它会更改 A
和 B
program roots
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,e0,e1
integer i,niter
external f1
eps = 10d-6
do i=1,9
A = 1d-1
B = 9d-1
e0 = i*(B-A)/10 + A
c Here is the first print. 'Out' meaning outside the subroutine
print *, 'out', i, e0
call Bisection(A,B,eps,f1,niter,e1,e0)
write (9,'(2(f10.5))') e0,e1
end do
end program roots
subroutine Bisection(A,B,eps,f,niter,xroot,e0)
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,xroot,fuc,fua,e0
integer niter,i
niter = nint(log((B-A)/eps)/log(2.))+1
do i=1,niter
xroot = (A+B)/2
c Here the subroutine which uses e0 is called twice
call f(xroot,fuc,e0)
call f(A,fua,e0)
if (fuc .eq. 0) return
if (fuc*fua .lt. 0.) then
B = xroot
A = xroot
end if
end do
end subroutine Bisection
subroutine f1(x,f,e0)
implicit none
double precision x,f,e0
c Here is the second print. 'In' meaning inside the subroutine
print *, 'in', e0
f = e0+1
end subroutine f1
我正在尝试在 Fortran 中实现二分法子例程来解决计算科学程序,而 Fortran 正在做一些奇怪的事情。因此,该程序的目标是找到某个参数 e0
的超越方程的解,该参数在 for 循环中每一步更新并传递给子例程。
的值在一次迭代中从 0.1799... 变为 0.8999...,而理论上程序应该进行 9 次交互才能到达那里。为什么会这样?- 打印语句未按应有的方式打印(请参阅下面的输出)。我们期望“out 1”打印,一些“in”打印(当子例程
调用时打印),然后是“out 2”打印(使用新的 e0 值),一些“in”打印等。但是我们看到第一个“out 1”打印,一些“in”打印,然后只有“out”打印。这是否意味着子例程f1
仅在“out 1”和“out 2”之间被调用? (应该在每次“输出”打印之间调用它)
我已经使用 Fortran77 进行数值求解几年了,从来没有遇到过这样的事情,但是我已经将近 6 个月没有编程了,所以也许我错过了一个重要的事情。
program roots
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,e0,e1
integer i,niter
external f1
A = 1d-1
B = 9d-1
eps = 10d-6
do i=1,9
e0 = i*(B-A)/10 + A
c Here is the first print. 'Out' meaning outside the subroutine
print *, 'out', i, e0
call Bisection(A,B,eps,f1,niter,e1,e0)
write (9,'(2(f10.5))') e0,e1
end do
end program roots
subroutine Bisection(A,B,eps,f,niter,xroot,e0)
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,xroot,fuc,fua,e0
integer niter,i
niter = nint(log((B-A)/eps)/log(2.))+1
do i=1,niter
xroot = (A+B)/2
c Here the subroutine which uses e0 is called twice
call f(xroot,fuc,e0)
call f(A,fua,e0)
if (fuc .eq. 0) return
if (fuc*fua .lt. 0.) then
B = xroot
A = xroot
end if
end do
end subroutine Bisection
subroutine f1(x,f,e0)
implicit none
double precision x,f,e0
c Here is the second print. 'In' meaning inside the subroutine
print *, 'in', e0
f = e0+1
end subroutine f1
out 1 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
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in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
in 0.17999999999999999
out 2 0.89999511718750003
out 3 0.89999572753906254
out 4 0.89999633789062505
out 5 0.89999694824218746
out 6 0.89999755859374997
out 7 0.89999816894531248
out 8 0.89999877929687500
out 9 0.89999938964843751
深入查看代码后,我终于找到了问题所在。问题是变量 A
和 B
都是输入和输出,因为它们在子程序内部被修改。因此,当第一次调用子程序时,它会更改 A
和 B
program roots
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,e0,e1
integer i,niter
external f1
eps = 10d-6
do i=1,9
A = 1d-1
B = 9d-1
e0 = i*(B-A)/10 + A
c Here is the first print. 'Out' meaning outside the subroutine
print *, 'out', i, e0
call Bisection(A,B,eps,f1,niter,e1,e0)
write (9,'(2(f10.5))') e0,e1
end do
end program roots
subroutine Bisection(A,B,eps,f,niter,xroot,e0)
implicit none
double precision A,B,eps,xroot,fuc,fua,e0
integer niter,i
niter = nint(log((B-A)/eps)/log(2.))+1
do i=1,niter
xroot = (A+B)/2
c Here the subroutine which uses e0 is called twice
call f(xroot,fuc,e0)
call f(A,fua,e0)
if (fuc .eq. 0) return
if (fuc*fua .lt. 0.) then
B = xroot
A = xroot
end if
end do
end subroutine Bisection
subroutine f1(x,f,e0)
implicit none
double precision x,f,e0
c Here is the second print. 'In' meaning inside the subroutine
print *, 'in', e0
f = e0+1
end subroutine f1