在 Perl 中使用 Expect 获取生成会话的会话 ID

Get session ID of spawned session using Expect in Perl

我正在使用 Expect 进行 ssh。我想知道生成会话的会话 ID。我该怎么做?


my $addr = "";
my $cmd = "ssh username@".$addr;
my $exp = Expect->spawn($cmd) or die "Cannot spawn command\n";

您是否尝试过使用 Expect 的 $exp->pid() 方法。 Expect 模块的文档说:

Return pid of $object, if one exists. Initialized filehandles will not have pids (of course).

我已经在一个简单的测试中尝试过这个来远程登录到本地主机,并执行一个 unix ps 命令来查看进程以及 $exp->pid() 命令,它们匹配。

use strict;
use Expect;
my $exp = Expect->spawn("ssh localhost") or die "cannot spawn command\n";
print `ps -ef | grep -i "ssh localhost$"` ;
print "PID of spawned process is: ", $exp->pid(), "\n";


providnt  4389  4302  0 09:42 pts/1    00:00:00 ssh localhost
PID of spawned process is: 4389