text-decoration 没有继承性的原因是什么?
What is the reason for the lack of inheritance of text-decoration?
考虑这个标记,它早于 CSS。
<strike>The <a href="http://example.com/">example</a> is here.</strike>
默认为 text-decoration:line-through
,而 <a href="...">
默认为 text-decoration:underline
。在 CSS 之前,单词“example”将被加下划线和删除,因此 CSS 需要能够实现相同的效果。为此,规范编写者选择 text-decoration
替代方案是为每个 text-decoration
值赋予其自己的 属性。 CSS 之父 Håkon Wium Lie 在 message to the www-style mailing list in May 1997 中解决了这个问题:
There is no easy way to turn off blinking without also throwing out other values set on the text-decoration property. This was sacrificed for the sake of brevity -- the alternatives would be to have separate binary properties for all values on 'text-decoration'.
当时设想 text-decoration
将扩展为拥有超过其最终拥有的四个装饰 - several had already been dropped from the draft spec.
所以你知道了,CSS 的设计者当时不希望属性激增。