JDA: The bot does not dm the user once they have been ban
当我禁止该成员时,他们在 dms 中没有收到消息,甚至认为用户 dm 是开放的。
public static void kickUser(@NotNull Member member, @NotNull Member author,
@NotNull String reason, long userId, @NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
String guildName = event.getGuild().getName();
.flatMap(channel -> channel.sendMessage(
Hey there, sorry to tell you but unfortunately you have been kicked from the guild %s.
If you think this was a mistake, please contact a moderator or admin of the guild.
he reason for the kick is: %s
.formatted(guildName, reason)))
throwable -> logger.info(
"I could not dm the user '{}' to inform them that they were kicked. {}",
userId, throwable));
.kick(member, reason)
.flatMap(v -> event.reply(member.getUser().getAsTag() + " was kicked by "
+ author.getUser().getAsTag() + " for: " + reason))
logger.info(" '{} ({})' kicked the user '{} ({})' due to reason being '{}'",
author.getUser().getAsTag(), author.getIdLong(), member.getUser().getAsTag(),
userId, reason);
错误消息说即使 dms 已打开,它也无法 dm 用户
如果您与用户共享服务器并且用户没有阻止您,您只能发送直接消息。您需要在 之前 banning/kicking 向用户发送直接消息。
.flatMap(channel -> channel.sendMessage("you are banned")) // send a message to the channel
.mapToResult() // this means the next flatMap runs on success and error signals
.flatMap(result -> guild.ban(member)) // then ban the member
.queue(); // queue the chain of actions
当我禁止该成员时,他们在 dms 中没有收到消息,甚至认为用户 dm 是开放的。
public static void kickUser(@NotNull Member member, @NotNull Member author,
@NotNull String reason, long userId, @NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
String guildName = event.getGuild().getName();
.flatMap(channel -> channel.sendMessage(
Hey there, sorry to tell you but unfortunately you have been kicked from the guild %s.
If you think this was a mistake, please contact a moderator or admin of the guild.
he reason for the kick is: %s
.formatted(guildName, reason)))
throwable -> logger.info(
"I could not dm the user '{}' to inform them that they were kicked. {}",
userId, throwable));
.kick(member, reason)
.flatMap(v -> event.reply(member.getUser().getAsTag() + " was kicked by "
+ author.getUser().getAsTag() + " for: " + reason))
logger.info(" '{} ({})' kicked the user '{} ({})' due to reason being '{}'",
author.getUser().getAsTag(), author.getIdLong(), member.getUser().getAsTag(),
userId, reason);
错误消息说即使 dms 已打开,它也无法 dm 用户
如果您与用户共享服务器并且用户没有阻止您,您只能发送直接消息。您需要在 之前 banning/kicking 向用户发送直接消息。
.flatMap(channel -> channel.sendMessage("you are banned")) // send a message to the channel
.mapToResult() // this means the next flatMap runs on success and error signals
.flatMap(result -> guild.ban(member)) // then ban the member
.queue(); // queue the chain of actions