Powershell Active Directory 帐户到期电子邮件通知经理
Powershell Active Directory Account expiry email notification to manager
我有这个 PowerShell 脚本,如果用户的帐户在特定天数内到期,它会向管理员发送电子邮件,但是,管理员会为每个用户收到一封单独的电子邮件。有没有办法只发送一封包含用户列表的电子邮件?
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Set our non-changing variables for the email
$From = "accountexpiry@company.com"
$CC = "helpdesk@company.com"
$SMTPServer = "mail.company.com"
#Get the start date, which defaults to today, and the end date which is based off the start date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(7)
#Query AD for all the accounts between our dates and request for a couple additional properties
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter {AccountExpirationDate -gt $startDate -and AccountExpirationDate -lt $endDate} -Properties AccountExpirationDate, Manager
#Loop through the query results
Foreach($User in $Users)
#The $User.Manager is not a email address, but a Distinguished Name; to get the email we can pass it to Get-Aduser though
$Manager = Get-ADUser $User.Manager -Properties EmailAddress
#Set our dynamic variables
$To = $Manager.EmailAddress
$Subject = "Account Expiration Notification for " + $User.Name
$Body =
This notification is to inform you that the account for $($User.Name) will expire on $($User.AccountExpirationDate).
If you need to extend this, please contact HR and IT will process the request.
Thank you,
IT Help Desk"
Send-MailMessage -To $To -From $From -Subject $Subject -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Body $Body
如 suggested in his comment, a good way to send just one email per Manager could be using Group-Object
This notification is to inform you that the account for the following users are about to expire:
- user.example1 expires on XX/XX/XXXX
- user.example2 expires on XX/XX/XXXX
- user.example3 expires on XX/XX/XXXX
If you need to extend this, please contact HR and IT will process the request.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Set our non-changing variables for the email
$mailProps = @{
From = "accountexpiry@company.com"
CC = "helpdesk@company.com"
SMTPServer = "mail.company.com"
BodyAsHTML = $true
#Get the start date, which defaults to today, and the end date which is based off the start date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(7)
#Query AD for all the accounts between our dates and request for a couple additional properties
$props = @{
Filter = "AccountExpirationDate -gt '$startDate' -and AccountExpirationDate -lt '$endDate'"
Properties = 'AccountExpirationDate', 'Manager'
$Users = Get-ADUser @props
# Save the body on a ScriptBlock for later use
$bodyScriptBlock = {
This notification is to inform you that the account for the following users are about to expire:</br>
If you need to extend this, please contact HR and IT will process the request.</br>
Thank you,</br>
IT Help Desk</br>
"@ -f ($UserList -join '</br>')
# Group all users by their Manager
$Users | Group-Object Manager | ForEach-Object {
# Get this Manager's email address
$managerEmail = (Get-ADUser $_.Name -Properties EmailAddress).EmailAddress
# Create a string[] with the user's Name and their Account's Expiration Date
$userList = foreach($user in $_.Group)
'- {0} expires on {1}' -f $user.Name, $user.AccountExpirationDate
# Execute the Body scriptblock passing this user's list
$body = & $bodyScriptBlock -UserList $userList
# Set the remaing values for Mail props
$mailProps.To = $managerEmail
$mailProps.Subject = "Account Expiration Notification for Managees" # ??? No idea what to put here
$mailProps.Body = $body
# Send the email with the list of users
Send-MailMessage @mailProps
我有这个 PowerShell 脚本,如果用户的帐户在特定天数内到期,它会向管理员发送电子邮件,但是,管理员会为每个用户收到一封单独的电子邮件。有没有办法只发送一封包含用户列表的电子邮件?
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Set our non-changing variables for the email
$From = "accountexpiry@company.com"
$CC = "helpdesk@company.com"
$SMTPServer = "mail.company.com"
#Get the start date, which defaults to today, and the end date which is based off the start date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(7)
#Query AD for all the accounts between our dates and request for a couple additional properties
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter {AccountExpirationDate -gt $startDate -and AccountExpirationDate -lt $endDate} -Properties AccountExpirationDate, Manager
#Loop through the query results
Foreach($User in $Users)
#The $User.Manager is not a email address, but a Distinguished Name; to get the email we can pass it to Get-Aduser though
$Manager = Get-ADUser $User.Manager -Properties EmailAddress
#Set our dynamic variables
$To = $Manager.EmailAddress
$Subject = "Account Expiration Notification for " + $User.Name
$Body =
This notification is to inform you that the account for $($User.Name) will expire on $($User.AccountExpirationDate).
If you need to extend this, please contact HR and IT will process the request.
Thank you,
IT Help Desk"
Send-MailMessage -To $To -From $From -Subject $Subject -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Body $Body
This notification is to inform you that the account for the following users are about to expire:
- user.example1 expires on XX/XX/XXXX
- user.example2 expires on XX/XX/XXXX
- user.example3 expires on XX/XX/XXXXIf you need to extend this, please contact HR and IT will process the request.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Set our non-changing variables for the email
$mailProps = @{
From = "accountexpiry@company.com"
CC = "helpdesk@company.com"
SMTPServer = "mail.company.com"
BodyAsHTML = $true
#Get the start date, which defaults to today, and the end date which is based off the start date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(7)
#Query AD for all the accounts between our dates and request for a couple additional properties
$props = @{
Filter = "AccountExpirationDate -gt '$startDate' -and AccountExpirationDate -lt '$endDate'"
Properties = 'AccountExpirationDate', 'Manager'
$Users = Get-ADUser @props
# Save the body on a ScriptBlock for later use
$bodyScriptBlock = {
This notification is to inform you that the account for the following users are about to expire:</br>
If you need to extend this, please contact HR and IT will process the request.</br>
Thank you,</br>
IT Help Desk</br>
"@ -f ($UserList -join '</br>')
# Group all users by their Manager
$Users | Group-Object Manager | ForEach-Object {
# Get this Manager's email address
$managerEmail = (Get-ADUser $_.Name -Properties EmailAddress).EmailAddress
# Create a string[] with the user's Name and their Account's Expiration Date
$userList = foreach($user in $_.Group)
'- {0} expires on {1}' -f $user.Name, $user.AccountExpirationDate
# Execute the Body scriptblock passing this user's list
$body = & $bodyScriptBlock -UserList $userList
# Set the remaing values for Mail props
$mailProps.To = $managerEmail
$mailProps.Subject = "Account Expiration Notification for Managees" # ??? No idea what to put here
$mailProps.Body = $body
# Send the email with the list of users
Send-MailMessage @mailProps