如何使用冲积图(或桑基图)使用 R 显示类别随时间的变化

How to use an Alluvial Plot (or Sankey diagram) to show change of categories over time using R

我正在尝试使用冲积图(桑基图)来显示不同类别在两个时间段内的变化。当所有因子水平都在两个时间段(pre 和 post)中表示时,我能够创建一个对我有意义的图,但是根据我的数据,更改因子顺序后图看起来很奇怪。我还想为两个时间段的类别显示相同的填充颜色,但只能更改第一个时间段(pre)。 当我绘制绘图时,我注意到我为每个因子水平指定的颜色不是我想要的颜色,尽管框/层的顺序是正确的。



    db <- read.table(text = "pre    post    freq
NE  NE  0
NE  DD  2
NE  LC  5
NE  NT  2
NE  VU  3
NE  EN  5
NE  CR  1
DD  NE  0
DD  DD  3
DD  LC  37
DD  NT  10
DD  VU  14
DD  EN  3
DD  CR  3
LC  NE  0
LC  DD  0
LC  LC  18
LC  NT  2
LC  VU  1
LC  EN  2
LC  CR  0
NT  NE  0
NT  DD  1
NT  LC  3
NT  NT  8
NT  VU  13
NT  EN  5
NT  CR  1
VU  NE  0
VU  DD  0
VU  LC  1
VU  NT  0
VU  VU  7
VU  EN  8
VU  CR  3
EN  NE  0
EN  DD  0
EN  LC  0
EN  NT  0
EN  VU  0
EN  EN  0
EN  CR  2
CR  NE  0
CR  DD  0
CR  LC  1
CR  NT  0
CR  VU  0
CR  EN  0
CR  CR  2
", header=T)


# Order factor levels
levels(db$pre) <- c("NE", "DD", "LC", "NT", "VU", "EN", "CR")
levels(db$post) <- c("NE", "DD", "LC", "NT", "VU", "EN", "CR")

# Set colors for the plot
colors.p <- c("#282828", "#7C7C7C", "#20AB5F", "#3EFF00", 
              "#FBFF00", "#FFBD00", "#FF0C00")

# Plot
p <- ggplot(db,
            aes(y = freq, axis1 = pre, 
                axis2 = post)) +
  geom_alluvium(aes(fill = pre), show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_stratum(aes(fill = pre), color = "black", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_label(stat = "stratum", aes(label = after_stat(stratum))) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = c("previous", "current"), 
                   expand = c(0.3, 0.01)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = colors.p) +
  theme_void() +
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    axis.text.y = element_blank(),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
    axis.title = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "none"


我用我更熟悉的不同包试了一下 (ggsankey)。我还从每个时间点中删除了一个类别,以说明因子重新排序并且这是可能的。 这能解决您的问题吗?如果没有,请说明您还缺少什么。


db <- data.frame(pre = rep(c("DD", "LC", "NT",
                             "VU", "EN", "CR"), each = 6),
                 post = rep(c("DD", "LC", "NT",
                              "VU", "EN", "CR"), times = 6),
                 freq = rep(sample(seq(0:20), 6), 6))
db %>% 
  uncount(freq) %>%
  filter(pre != "DD", post != "NT") %>%
  make_long(pre, post) %>%
  mutate(node = fct_relevel(node, "LC", "NT", "VU", "EN", "CR"), 
         next_node = fct_relevel(next_node, "DD", "LC", "VU", "EN", "CR")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x, 
             next_x = next_x, 
             node = node, 
             next_node = next_node,
             fill = factor(node))) +
  geom_alluvial() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("DD" = "#7C7C7C", "LC" = "#20AB5F", "NT" = "#3EFF00", "VU" = "#FBFF00", "EN" = "#FFBD00", "CR" = "#FF0C00"))



db <- read.table(text = "pre    post    freq
NE  NE  0
NE  DD  2
NE  LC  5
NE  NT  2
NE  VU  3
NE  EN  5
NE  CR  1
DD  NE  0
DD  DD  3
DD  LC  37
DD  NT  10
DD  VU  14
DD  EN  3
DD  CR  3
LC  NE  0
LC  DD  0
LC  LC  18
LC  NT  2
LC  VU  1
LC  EN  2
LC  CR  0
NT  NE  0
NT  DD  1
NT  LC  3
NT  NT  8
NT  VU  13
NT  EN  5
NT  CR  1
VU  NE  0
VU  DD  0
VU  LC  1
VU  NT  0
VU  VU  7
VU  EN  8
VU  CR  3
EN  NE  0
EN  DD  0
EN  LC  0
EN  NT  0
EN  VU  0
EN  EN  0
EN  CR  2
CR  NE  0
CR  DD  0
CR  LC  1
CR  NT  0
CR  VU  0
CR  EN  0
CR  CR  2
", header=T)
db %>% 
  uncount(freq) %>%
  make_long(pre, post) %>%
  mutate(node = fct_relevel(node,"DD", "LC", "NT","NE", "VU", "EN", "CR"), 
         next_node = fct_relevel(next_node, "DD", "LC", "NT", "VU", "EN", "CR")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x, 
             next_x = next_x, 
             node = node, 
             next_node = next_node,
             fill = factor(node))) +
  geom_alluvial() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("DD" = "#7C7C7C", "LC" = "#20AB5F", "NT" = "#3EFF00", "VU" = "#FBFF00", "EN" = "#FFBD00", "CR" = "#FF0C00", "NE" ="blue"))