Postgres 按年龄组确定前 10 个域(排名 + 分组依据)

Postgres determine top 10 domains by age group (rank + group by)

给定包含电子邮件地址的 user_table,我们需要按年龄段划分的 'top 10' 域列表。 所以对于每个组,我应该获得前 10 名的排名。 (即 50 行)。

到目前为止我有什么(我正在使用 Postgres)。 这似乎很接近,但我认为并列排名正在被蚕食。我不会返回 50 行。我得到 12,这基本上似乎排名 1-10,有 2 个平局。都是同龄人。如果我将它增加到 r<=30,那么我会得到更多结果 (71),包括不同年龄组,但每组超过 10 个(每组 10-15 个)。

with users as (
    select a.*, 
      extract(year from age(dob)) age,
      substr(email, position('@' in email)+1, 1000) domain
    from user_table a
   useragegroup as (
    select a.*,
     case when age between 0 and 18 then '0-18'
          when age between 19 and 29 then '19-29'
          when age between 30 and 49 then '30-49' 
          when age between 50 and 65 then '50-65'
          else '66-up'
     end agegroup
    from users a
   rank as (
     select agegroup, domain, 
       dense_rank() over (order by count(*) desc) r
     from useragegroup a
     group by agegroup, domain
   select a.*
   from rank a
   where r<=10;

为了生成一些测试日期,我有: (每组将日期更改 10 年)

insert into user_table (
    first, last, email, dob
    left(md5(i::text), 3),
    left(md5(random()::text), 3),
    'user_' || i || '@' || (
    CASE (RANDOM() * 14)::INT
      WHEN 0 THEN 'gmail'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'hotmail'
      WHEN 2 THEN 'apple'
      WHEN 3 THEN 'icloud'
      WHEN 4 THEN 'aol'
      WHEN 5 THEN 'usa'
      WHEN 6 THEN 'govt'
      WHEN 7 THEN 'Whosebug'
      WHEN 8 THEN 'random'
      WHEN 9 THEN 'domain'
      WHEN 10 THEN 'subby'
      WHEN 11 THEN 'youtube'
      WHEN 12 THEN 'google'
      WHEN 13 THEN 'triple'
      WHEN 14 THEN 'pixar'
  ) || '.com' AS email,
    '2005-01-01' as date
from generate_series(1, 500) s(i);

我想因为你使用了 dense_rank,你有重复的排名,总记录一直在增加,如下所示 table:


| agegroup | domain             | r  |
| -------- | ------------------ | -- |
| 66-up    |        | 1  |
| 66-up    |         | 2  | <-- duplicate
| 66-up    |         | 2  | <-- duplicate
| 66-up    |         | 3  |
| 66-up    |            | 4  |
| 66-up    |            | 5  | <-- duplicate
| 66-up    |          | 5  | <-- duplicate
| 66-up    |        | 5  | <-- duplicate
| 66-up    |  | 6  |
| 66-up    |          | 7  |
| 66-up    |         | 8  |
| 66-up    |         | 9  |
| 66-up    |           | 10 |


  1. 你应该使用row_number因为dense_rank添加重复排名当你使用r <= 10如果记录中存在重复r时,每个组的总记录一直在增加

  2. windows函数中的第二个问题,你必须为每个组使用partition by agegroup,因为需要为每个组创建排名

with users as (
    select a.*, 
      extract(year from age(dob)) as age,
      substr(email, position('@' in email)+1, 1000) as domain
    from user_table a
   useragegroup as (
    select a.*,
     case when age between 0 and 18 then '0-18'
          when age between 19 and 29 then '19-29'
          when age between 30 and 49 then '30-49' 
          when age between 50 and 65 then '50-65'
          else '66-up'
     end agegroup
    from users a
   rank as (
     select agegroup, domain, 
       row_number() over (partition by agegroup order by count(*) desc) r
     from useragegroup a
     group by agegroup, domain
   select a.*
   from rank a
   where r <= 10;

您的查询可能没问题。看起来有问题,但没有什么特别突出的。但是你确实有问题。您期望在结果中获得 50 行。我想这将是非常罕见的。主要的事情是 rankdense_rank 都不会生成唯一值,如果要排名的值在多行中相同,则每一行都会获得相同的 RANK。不同之处在于排名将跳过值,而 dense_rank 则不会。 IE。如果前两行具有相同的值,而第三行具有不同的值,则以下内容成立:

| Row_number | Count_Value | Rank | Dense_Rank |
|          1 |          12 |    1 |          1 |
|          2 |          12 |    1 |          1 |
|          3 |          14 |    3 |          2 |

查看带有 “”您的数据 here 的演示。它包括 rank (rnk) 和 dense_rank (drnk) 的列。向下扫描 rnk and/or drnk 以找到您感兴趣的 age_group,然后转到 row_num。那是 age_group 的 return 行数。请注意,某些 age_group 的 drnk 列不会达到 10;这些将 return 全部 15。假设随机域选择为每个域生成一行。虽然很有可能并不能保证这一点。

顺便说一句:我的查询。我为 age_groups 创建了一个 table,它也在演示中。

select domain, ag_name, dom_cnt, rnk, drnk
  from ( -- rank each group by iten count
         select domain, ag_name, dom_cnt
              , rank()       over (partition by ag_name order by dom_cnt desc) rnk
              , dense_rank() over (partition by ag_name order by dom_cnt desc) drnk
              , row_number() over (partition by ag_name order by dom_cnt desc) row_num
           from ( -- count #items for each edomain, ag_name 
                  select domain, ag_name ,count(*) dom_cnt 
                    from (-- extract email domain and group name 
                          select substr(email, position('@' in email)+1) as domain, ag.ag_name 
                            from age_groups ag 
                            join user_table ut
                              on (extract(year from age(ut.dob)))::int4  <@ ag.ag_range 
                         ) agdom
                    group by  ag_name, domain
               ) dom_cnt 
        ) dom_rank 
-- where rnk <= 10