通过 google 脚本设置一个 Google 表单目标到它的响应

Setting a Google Form destination to it responses via google script

我正在尝试设置一个脚本来创建基于 sheet 的表单(有效),然后我希望它提交对特定 sheet 的回复,这样我就可以让脚本与之交互,手动将表单连接到 sheet 是不切实际的,因为每天都可以创建多个表单

当我 运行 脚本出现此错误代码时

异常:在对象 FormApp.Form.

上获取方法或 属性 setDestination 时发生意外错误


function bug() {

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('TC');
  var value = sheet.getRange("A3").getValue();
  var em = sheet.getRange("B3").getValue();
  var cos = sheet.getRange("E3").getValue();
  var name = sheet.getRange("D3").getValue();
  var sup = sheet.getRange("C3").getValue();

  var form = FormApp.create(value);
  var item = form.addMultipleChoiceItem();
  item.setHelpText("Name: " + name +
                 "\n\nEmail: " + em +
                 "\n\nQuote No: " + value +
                 "\n\nProject: " + sup +
                 "\n\nTotal Cost: " + cos +
                 "\n\nBy selecting approve you agree to the cost and timeframe specified by the quote and that the details above are correct")
                 .setChoices([item.createChoice('Approve'), item.createChoice('Deny')]);
  var item = form.addCheckboxItem();
  item.setTitle('What extras would you like to add on?');
  Logger.log('Published URL: ' + form.getPublishedUrl());
  Logger.log('Editor URL: ' + form.getEditUrl());
  Logger.log('ID: ' + form.getId());

  var ssId = sheet.getSheetId();
  form.setDestination(FormApp.DestinationType.SPREADSHEET, ssId);

  var SendTo = "insertgenertic@email.com";

  var link = form.getPublishedUrl();
  var message = "Please follow the link to accept you Quotation " + form.getPublishedUrl();

 //set subject line

 var Subject = 'Quote' + value + 'Confirmation';

  const  recipient = em;
  const subject = "Confirmation of order"
  const url = link

GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, message);


form.setDestination(FormApp.DestinationType.SPREADSHEET, ssId);

ssId 应该是 Spreadsheet 的 id 而不是 sheet


spreadsheet id


您不能将表单回复发送到之前存在的 sheet。当您 link 将您的表单传播到目的地时 sheet,它总是会创建一个新的 sheet 来存储这些响应,无论您是否使用 Apps 脚本来设置目的地。您只能选择是现有点差sheet还是新点差。

因此,您必须在调用 Form.setDestination(type, id) 时提供点差 sheet id。由于您提供的是 sheet ID,因此您收到了一个错误。


function bug() {
  // ...
  const spreadsheetId = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getId();
  form.setDestination(FormApp.DestinationType.SPREADSHEET, spreadsheetId);
  // ...
