VBA 代码问题:在循环遍历特定值的范围时使用偏移量

VBA code issue: Using offset while looping through a range for a specific Value

我写了一个 VBA 代码来循环遍历一个特定值的范围,选择包含该值的单元格,紧靠它上面的单元格和紧靠它下面的单元格使用偏移量。问题是代码选择了单元格值的第一个实例,以查找 1111 和两个偏移量(选择 1111、紧靠其上方的单元格和紧靠其下方的单元格),但不选择剩余的单元格值范围内的指定值及其各自的(紧邻它们上方和下方的单元格)偏移量。请协助


Sub SelectMatchingCell()

Dim strInt As Integer

Dim rng As Range, c As Range, MyRng As Range, offsetCell1 As Range, offsetCell2 As Range
'Set range with values to be searched for matches

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("J3:J10555")

'Fill string variable with string of text to be matched

    strInt = 1111
'Loop through each cell in range

For Each c In rng

'Check if cell value matches the string to be matched

    If c.Value = strInt Then

'Check if this is the first match (new range hasn't been filled yet)

        If MyRng Is Nothing Then

'Fill new range with cell

            Set MyRng = c
            Set offsetCell1 = MyRng.Cells.Offset(-1, 0)
            Set offsetCell2 = MyRng.Cells.Offset(1, 0)

'Join new matching cell together with previously found matches

            Set MyRng = Application.Union(MyRng, c, offsetCell1, offsetCell2)

        End If
    End If
Next c
'Select entire row of each cell in new range
End Sub

您只在第一次匹配时设置了 offsetCell1 和 offsetCell2。您还需要在 Else 语句中包含这两行。

    If c.Value = strInt Then

'Check if this is the first match (new range hasn't been filled yet)

    If MyRng Is Nothing Then

'Fill new range with cell

        Set offsetCell1 = c.Cells.Offset(-1, 0)
        Set offsetCell2 = c.Cells.Offset(1, 0)
        Set MyRng = Application.Union(c, offsetCell1, offsetCell2)

'Join new matching cell together with previously found matches

        Set offsetCell1 = c.Cells.Offset(-1, 0)
        Set offsetCell2 = c.Cells.Offset(1, 0)
        Set MyRng = Application.Union(MyRng, c, offsetCell1, offsetCell2)

    End If