如果设备不支持抗锯齿,getContext with antialias: true return 会是一个有效的上下文吗?

Will getContext with antialias: true return a valid context if the device doesn't support antialiasing?

如果我指定 antialias: true,我试图了解 getContext() 的行为,但设备不支持抗锯齿。 例如:

const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', {
  antialias: true


The depth, stencil and antialias attributes, when set to true, are requests, not requirements. The WebGL implementation should make a best effort to honor them. When any of these attributes is set to false, however, the WebGL implementation must not provide the associated functionality. Combinations of attributes not supported by the WebGL implementation or graphics hardware shall not cause a failure to create a WebGLRenderingContext.

WebGL Specification