如何仅从所需的 类 (流)获取数据?

How to get data only from desired classes (stream)?

Employee class:

public abstract class Employee extends Person {
    private final Manager manager;
    private final BigDecimal salary;
    protected Employee(String firstName, String surname, LocalDate birth_date, Manager _manager, BigDecimal _salary) {
        super(firstName, surname, birth_date);
        manager = _manager;
        salary = _salary;
        if (manager != null) {


Worker class:

public class Worker extends Employee {
    private final LocalDate employment_date;
    private BigDecimal bonus;
    public Worker(String firstName, String surname, LocalDate birth_date, Manager manager, BigDecimal salary,
                  LocalDate _employment_date, BigDecimal _bonus) {
        super(firstName, surname, birth_date, manager, salary);
        employment_date = _employment_date;
        bonus = _bonus;


Manager class:

public final class Manager extends Worker {
    List<Employee> subordinates = new ArrayList<Employee>();
    public Manager(String firstName, String surname, LocalDate birth_date, Manager manager, BigDecimal salary,
                   LocalDate employment_date, BigDecimal bonus) {
        super(firstName, surname, birth_date, manager, salary, employment_date, bonus);


Trainee class:

public class Trainee extends Employee {

    private final LocalDate start_date;
    private final short apprenticeship_length;
    public Trainee(String firstName, String surname, LocalDate birth_date, Manager manager, BigDecimal salary,
                   LocalDate _start_date, short _apprenticeship_length) {
        super(firstName, surname, birth_date, manager, salary);
        start_date = _start_date;
        apprenticeship_length = _apprenticeship_length;

payrol class:

public final class PayrollEntry {

    private final Employee _employee;
    private final BigDecimal _salaryPlusBonus;
    public PayrollEntry(Employee employee, BigDecimal salary, BigDecimal bonus) {
        _employee = employee;
        _salaryPlusBonus = salary.add(bonus);

我必须编写函数 List<PayrollEntry> payroll(List<Employee> employees) {}。正如你在上面看到的,只有 WorkerManager 可以有奖金,另一方面 Trainee 没有,但他们都来自 class Employee(顺便说一句,我无法更改 classes 层次结构中的任何内容,因为这是我的作业,层次结构是由老师编写的)。我应该使用函数式编程技术来编写函数,这是我的尝试:

public static List<PayrollEntry> payroll(List<Employee> employees) {
    return employees
            .map(employee -> new PayrollEntry(employee, employee.getSalary(), ((Worker) employee).getBonus()))

我明白为什么它会给我 ClassCastException,但我不知道使用 stream 的任何其他方法。我想我可以用 for-each 循环检查它是否是 Trainee 来完成它,但我想知道是否有使用 stream.

对 map() 的内容有什么限制吗?


.map(employee -> {
    if (employee instanceof Worker) {
        return new PayrollEntry()....
    } else {
        return new PayrollEntry()....

我不确定它是否符合你老师给你的任务定义,但你可以按如下方式扩展你的 map 流操作:

public static List<PayrollEntry> payroll(List<Employee> employees) {
        return employees
                .map(employee -> {
                    // if statements to check type of employee
                    // set some variables for the various fields
                    return new PayroleEntry(...);

您可以在转换之前使用三元运算符并检查员工是否是 Worker class 的实例。如果是,则通过奖金 else BigDecimal.ZERO:

         .map(employee -> new PayrollEntry(employee, employee.getSalary(),
               employee instanceof Worker ? ((Worker) employee).getBonus() : BigDecimal.ZERO))

我会为这些情况创建一个静态构造函数。 (类似于 PayrollEntry.forEmployee(Employee))因为你不应该改变原来的 类 你可以把这个方法放在其他地方。

private static PayrollEntry newPayrollEntry(Employee employee) {
    BigDecimal bonus = BigDecimal.ZERO;        
    if (employee instanceof Worker) {
        bonus = ((Worker) employee).getBonus();
    return new PayrollEntry(employee, employee.getSalary(), bonus);

public static List<PayrollEntry> payroll(List<Employee> employees) {
    return employees


stream.map(employee -> {
    // Long code
    return payroll;