JSON 字符串 returns 空值的反序列化

Deserialization of a JSON string returns null values

我正在尝试反序列化 JSON 字符串并获取空值。我尝试反序列化:DataContractJsonSerializer、JavaScriptSerializer、JsonConvert。

This Object returns null: RootObject gr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseJson);

string apiUrl = "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/?output=json&query=%23queryinterface%23%0APREFIX+owl:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2002%2F07%2Fowl%23%3E%0APREFIX+rdf:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2F02%2F22-rdf-syntax-ns%23%3E%0APREFIX+rdfs:++%3Chttp:%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2F01%2Frdf-schema%23%3E%0APREFIX+xsd:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%23%3E%0APREFIX+fn:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2005%2Fxpath-functions%23%3E%0APREFIX+p2:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Frds.posccaesar.org%2F2008%2F02%2FOWL%2FISO-15926-2_2003%23%3E%0APREFIX+rds:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Frdl.rdlfacade.org%2Fdata%23%3E%0APREFIX+afn:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fjena.hpl.hp.com%2FARQ%2Ffunction%23%3E%0APREFIX+dc:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fpurl.org%2Fdc%2Felements%2F1.1%2F%3E%0A%0APREFIX+rdl:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fdata.posccaesar.org%2Frdl%2F%3E%0APREFIX+ptrn:+%3Chttp:%2F%2Fdata.posccaesar.org%2Fptrn%2F%3E%0A%0Aselect+%3Fsub+%3Flabel+where+%7B%0A%09%3Fa+p2:hasSuperclass+rdl:RDS608876181+;%0A%09p2:hasSubclass+%3Fsub.%0A%09%3Fsub+rdfs:label+%3Flabel.%0A%7D%0Alimit+1000%0A";
var jsonPayload = new { seriesid = new[] { "LAUCN040010000000005", "LAUCN040010000000006" } };
string requestJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonPayload);
string responseJson = string.Empty;

using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
    byte[] response = client.UploadData(apiUrl, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestJson));
    responseJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);

RootObject gr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(responseJson);

我从 http://json2csharp.com/ 生成 class 我得到的结果如下。

 using System.Collections.Generic;
 public class Graph
    public string @id { get; set; }
    public string @type { get; set; }
    public string defaultRdsId { get; set; }
    public string hasCreationDate { get; set; }
    public string hasCreator { get; set; }
    public string hasDefinition { get; set; }
    public string hasDesignation { get; set; }
    public string hasIdPCA { get; set; }
    public string hasStatus { get; set; }
    public string label { get; set; }
    public string sameAs { get; set; }
    public string hasDesignationAbbrev { get; set; }
    public string hasNote { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrar { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrarAuth { get; set; }
    public string hasSubclass { get; set; }
    public string hasSuperclass { get; set; }
    public string rdsWipEquivalent { get; set; }

public class SameAs
    public string @id { get; set; }
    public string @type { get; set; }

public class HasSuperclass
    public string @id { get; set; }
    public string @type { get; set; }

public class HasSubclass
    public string @id { get; set; }
    public string @type { get; set; }

public class RdsWipEquivalent
    public string @id { get; set; }
    public string @type { get; set; }

public class Context
    public string hasDesignation { get; set; }
    public string hasNote { get; set; }
    public string hasCreator { get; set; }
    public string hasDefinition { get; set; }
    public string label { get; set; }
    public string hasIdPCA { get; set; }
    public string hasCreationDate { get; set; }
    public string hasStatus { get; set; }
    public string defaultRdsId { get; set; }
    public string hasDesignationAbbrev { get; set; }
    public SameAs sameAs { get; set; }
    public HasSuperclass hasSuperclass { get; set; }
    public HasSubclass hasSubclass { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrarAuth { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrar { get; set; }
    public RdsWipEquivalent rdsWipEquivalent { get; set; }
    public string rds { get; set; }
    public string p2 { get; set; }
    public string owl { get; set; }
    public string rdf { get; set; }
    public string afn { get; set; }
    public string xsd { get; set; }
    public string fn { get; set; }
    public string oldrdl { get; set; }
    public string rdfs { get; set; }
    public string rdl { get; set; }
    public string list { get; set; }
    public string dc { get; set; }

public class RootObject
    public List<Graph> @graph { get; set; }
    public Context @context { get; set; }


  "@graph" : [ {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS14186420",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R59065461445",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2003.10.30",
    "hasCreator" : "u83130",
    "hasDefinition" : "A component class whose members are classes of electrical heater components.",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS14186420",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS14186420"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS15378839",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R36079680064",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2004.05.18",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "A class whose members are intended to form part of a ship hull or other structural parts.",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS15378839",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS15378839"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS17055682",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R90167534107",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2005.09.30",
    "hasCreator" : "u20683",
    "hasDefinition" : "Classes of machine components that forms part of of a drilling fluid powered downhole drilling motor.",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS17055682",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS17055682"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS17056232",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R87192971881",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2005.11.08",
    "hasCreator" : "u20683",
    "hasDefinition" : "The class \"heat exchanger component class\" is the subclass of the class \"mechanical equipment class\" that contains each mechanical equipment component class for which each member can be a component of a heat exchanger.",
    "hasDesignation" : "HEAT EXCHANGER COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasDesignationAbbrev" : "1705623200",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS17056232",
    "hasNote" : "A more informal definition is \"A heat exchanger component class is a heat transfer equipment component class that has members which can be components of a heat exchanger\".",
    "hasStatus" : "Incomplete",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS17056232"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS17056700",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R36377127353",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2005.10.05",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "A component class whose members are classes of parts of classes of process plant equipment.",
    "hasDesignation" : "EQUIPMENT COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS17056700",
    "hasStatus" : "Incomplete",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS17056700"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS201644",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R30951219061",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2001.10.16",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "A class whose members are classes of artefacts.",
    "hasDesignation" : "ARTEFACT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS201644",
    "hasRegistrar" : "mvsen",
    "hasRegistrarAuth" : "RDS",
    "hasStatus" : "Qualified",
    "label" : "ARTEFACT CLASS",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS201644"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS201914",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R58281768156",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2001.10.16",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "Classes of machine components that forms parts of a coupling.",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS201914",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS201914"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS203399",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R51597621609",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2001.10.16",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "Classes of instrument components that forms parts of an instrument",
    "hasDesignation" : "INSTRUMENT COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS203399",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS203399"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS203489",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R15440214689",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2001.10.16",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "A heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment class that contains classes of equipment used as parts of HVAC equipment",
    "hasDesignation" : "HVAC COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS203489",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "label" : "HVAC COMPONENT CLASS",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS203489"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS203534",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R29782655361",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2001.10.16",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "A rotating mechanical equipment class that contains classes of machine components that forms parts of a pump.",
    "hasDesignation" : "PUMP COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS203534",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "label" : "PUMP COMPONENT CLASS",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS203534"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS220589",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R39099110350",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2001.10.16",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "Classes of components that forms parts of a gearbox.",
    "hasDesignation" : "GEARBOX COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS220589",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS220589"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS224684",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R90018669619",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2005.10.25",
    "hasCreator" : "u83130",
    "hasDefinition" : "A valve equipment class that contains classes of valve components or parts used in pumps and pump assemblies. Only to be used during the classification of valves.",
    "hasDesignation" : "VALVE COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS224684",
    "hasStatus" : "Incomplete",
    "label" : "VALVE COMPONENT CLASS",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS224684"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS225314",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R60279376190",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2006.06.15",
    "hasCreator" : "u20683",
    "hasDefinition" : "A process piping equipment class that contains classes of equipment used in or in connection with a piping system.",
    "hasDesignation" : "PIPING COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS225314",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS225314"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS226124",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R20688513774",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2001.10.16",
    "hasCreator" : "u82237",
    "hasDefinition" : "Classes of components that forms parts of a mechanical seal.",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS226124",
    "hasStatus" : "Recorded",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS226124"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "@type" : "p2:ClassOfClassOfIndividual",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R63534165926",
    "hasCreationDate" : "2007.10.22",
    "hasCreator" : "mvsen",
    "hasDefinition" : "An artefact class whose members are suitable as a part of a larger artefact.",
    "hasDesignation" : "COMPONENT CLASS",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS608876181",
    "hasStatus" : "Incomplete",
    "label" : "COMPONENT CLASS",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS608876181"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS608877101",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R29442817194",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS608877101",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS201644",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS608877101"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS608880141",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R72593201380",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS608880141",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS14186420",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS608880141"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609008651",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R61353051370",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609008651",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS17055682",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609008651"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609008911",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R72794538375",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609008911",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS17056700",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609008911"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609009131",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R91377360705",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609009131",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS220589",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609009131"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609009331",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R68426307879",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609009331",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS17056232",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609009331"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609009541",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R55261332198",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609009541",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS203489",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609009541"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609009681",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R10066878943",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609009681",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS203399",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609009681"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609009931",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R91203774026",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609009931",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS226124",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609009931"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609011171",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R58289922054",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609011171",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS225314",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609011171"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609011401",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R40124754568",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609011401",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS201914",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609011401"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609011651",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R65525751798",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609011651",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS203534",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609011651"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609011921",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R35776609616",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609011921",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS15378839",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609011921"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rdl:RDS609012311",
    "@type" : "p2:Specialization",
    "defaultRdsId" : "R91523122738",
    "hasIdPCA" : "RDS609012311",
    "hasSubclass" : "rdl:RDS224684",
    "hasSuperclass" : "rdl:RDS608876181",
    "sameAs" : "http://posccaesar.org/rdl/RDS609012311"
  }, {
    "@id" : "rds:R63534165926",
    "rdsWipEquivalent" : "rdl:RDS608876181"
  } ],
  "@context" : {
    "hasDesignation" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasDesignation",
    "hasNote" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasNote",
    "hasCreator" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasCreator",
    "hasDefinition" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasDefinition",
    "label" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label",
    "hasIdPCA" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasIdPCA",
    "hasCreationDate" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasCreationDate",
    "hasStatus" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasStatus",
    "defaultRdsId" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/defaultRdsId",
    "hasDesignationAbbrev" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasDesignationAbbrev",
    "sameAs" : {
      "@id" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs",
      "@type" : "@id"
    "hasSuperclass" : {
      "@id" : "http://rds.posccaesar.org/2008/02/OWL/ISO-15926-2_2003#hasSuperclass",
      "@type" : "@id"
    "hasSubclass" : {
      "@id" : "http://rds.posccaesar.org/2008/02/OWL/ISO-15926-2_2003#hasSubclass",
      "@type" : "@id"
    "hasRegistrarAuth" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasRegistrarAuth",
    "hasRegistrar" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/hasRegistrar",
    "rdsWipEquivalent" : {
      "@id" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/rdsWipEquivalent",
      "@type" : "@id"
    "rds" : "http://rdl.rdlfacade.org/data#",
    "p2" : "http://rds.posccaesar.org/2008/02/OWL/ISO-15926-2_2003#",
    "owl" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#",
    "rdf" : "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
    "afn" : "http://jena.hpl.hp.com/ARQ/function#",
    "xsd" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
    "fn" : "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions#",
    "oldrdl" : "http://rds.posccaesar.org/2008/06/OWL/RDL#",
    "rdfs" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
    "rdl" : "http://data.posccaesar.org/rdl/",
    "list" : "http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/list.owl#",
    "dc" : "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"


因为网络浏览器中的 cookie 或登录信息?

当我要求 Visual Studio 将您的 JSON 转换为 Class 时,我得到了不同的输出(见下文)。试试这个,看看你是否有更多的运气。

如果你想自己尝试一下,我认为这个功能是在 Visual Studio 2013 中添加的(如果我记错了请纠正我)并且它在 编辑 > 选择性粘贴。要将 JSON 转换为 Class,您需要在一个针对 .NET 3.5+ 的项目中,对于 XML 到 Class,您需要 .NET 4.5+。

public class Rootobject
    public Graph[] graph { get; set; }
    public Context context { get; set; }

public class Context
    public string hasDesignation { get; set; }
    public string hasNote { get; set; }
    public string hasCreator { get; set; }
    public string hasDefinition { get; set; }
    public string label { get; set; }
    public string hasIdPCA { get; set; }
    public string hasCreationDate { get; set; }
    public string hasStatus { get; set; }
    public string defaultRdsId { get; set; }
    public string hasDesignationAbbrev { get; set; }
    public Sameas sameAs { get; set; }
    public Hassuperclass hasSuperclass { get; set; }
    public Hassubclass hasSubclass { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrarAuth { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrar { get; set; }
    public Rdswipequivalent rdsWipEquivalent { get; set; }
    public string rds { get; set; }
    public string p2 { get; set; }
    public string owl { get; set; }
    public string rdf { get; set; }
    public string afn { get; set; }
    public string xsd { get; set; }
    public string fn { get; set; }
    public string oldrdl { get; set; }
    public string rdfs { get; set; }
    public string rdl { get; set; }
    public string list { get; set; }
    public string dc { get; set; }

public class Sameas
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }

public class Hassuperclass
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }

public class Hassubclass
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }

public class Rdswipequivalent
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }

public class Graph
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }
    public string defaultRdsId { get; set; }
    public string hasCreationDate { get; set; }
    public string hasCreator { get; set; }
    public string hasDefinition { get; set; }
    public string hasDesignation { get; set; }
    public string hasIdPCA { get; set; }
    public string hasStatus { get; set; }
    public string label { get; set; }
    public string sameAs { get; set; }
    public string hasDesignationAbbrev { get; set; }
    public string hasNote { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrar { get; set; }
    public string hasRegistrarAuth { get; set; }
    public string hasSubclass { get; set; }
    public string hasSuperclass { get; set; }
    public string rdsWipEquivalent { get; set; }