从 Catia 树视图生成 xml 文件

generate xml file from Catia treeview

我有一个产品装配的 Catia 设计。 它的零件很少,整个产品由这些零件组成。 我能够生成 excel 文件,但无法保留树结构的层次结构。 如何使用 vbscript 或 catscript 将 Catia 产品树的树结构导出到 XML 文件?

将 CATProduct 保存为 txt 文件,这将为您提供树结构的层次结构。

对我来说层次结构如下所示(并且是通过直接从 CATIA 保存 CATProduct 获得的,没有任何自动化)。


Const ForReading = 1

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\Temp\X-WING.txt", ForReading)  ''name of file and path saved from CATIA, this can be also automated.
strContents = objFile.ReadAll
arrLines = Split(strContents, vbCRLF)

For Each strLine in arrLines
CharacterCount1 = Len(strLine) - Len(Replace(strLine, " ", ""))
CharacterCount = Len(strLine) - Len(Replace(strLine, "|-", "")) 

If CharacterCount > 0  And CharacterCount1 > 6 Then

        If CharacterCount1 = 7 Then 
        CharacterCount1 = "Level 1" 
          ElseIf CharacterCount1 = 13 Then 
        CharacterCount1 = "Level 2" 
         ElseIf CharacterCount1 = 19 Then 
        CharacterCount1 = "Level 3"
        ''You can add/improve the code for more levels
          End If 

MsgBox CharacterCount1 & strLine
End If 


see the image here附上获取BOM的宏指令。 get Bill of material catia



Sub CATMain()
Set productDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set product1 = productDocument1.Product
Set assemblyConvertor1 = product1.GetItem("ListingReport")
Dim array1
'assemblyConvertor1.SetCurrentFormat array1
assemblyConvertor1.Print "TXT", "C:\Users\Labuser\Desktop\testPW.txt", product1
End Sub
