Python mrjob - 找到 10 个最长的单词,但 mrjob returns 重复的单词

Python mrjob - Finding 10 longest words, but mrjob returns duplicate words

我正在使用 Python mrjob 从文本文件中查找最长的 10 个单词。我得到了一个结果,但是结果包含重复的单词。如何只获取唯一的单词(即删除重复的单词)?

from mrjob.job import MRJob
from mrjob.step import MRStep
import re

WORD_RE = re.compile(r"[\w']+") # any whitespace or apostrophe, used to split lines below

class MostChars(MRJob):
    def steps(self):
        return [

    def mapper_get_words(self, _, line):
        for word in WORD_RE.findall(line):   
            yield None, (len(word), word.lower().strip())

    # discard the key; it is just None
    def reducer_find_longest_words(self, _, word_count_pairs):
        # each item of word_count_pairs is (count, word),
        # so yielding one results in key=counts, value=word

        sorted_pair = sorted(word_count_pairs, reverse=True)
        for pair in sorted_pair[0:10]:
            yield pair
if __name__ == '__main__':


18  "overcapitalization"
18  "overcapitalization"
18  "overcapitalization"
17  "uncomprehendingly"
17  "misunderstandings"
17  "disinterestedness"
17  "disinterestedness"
17  "disinterestedness"
17  "disinterestedness"
17  "conventionalities"


18  "overcapitalization"
17  "uncomprehendingly"
17  "misunderstandings"
17  "disinterestedness"
17  "conventionalities"

还有 5 个不同的词

更新 reducer_find_longest_words 以仅获取唯一元素。注意 list(set()).

    def reducer_find_longest_words(self, _, word_count_pairs):
        # each item of word_count_pairs is (count, word),
        # so yielding one results in key=counts, value=word

        unique_pairs = [list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in word_count_pairs)]
        sorted_pair = sorted(unique_pairs, reverse=True)
        for pair in sorted_pair[0:10]:
            yield pair