尝试将 HTML 模板用于 ngx-popover 时,类型 'HTMLElement' 不可分配给类型 'string | TemplateRef<any>'
Type 'HTMLElement' is not assignable to type 'string | TemplateRef<any>' when trying to use HTML template for ngx-popover
我正在尝试为我的 Popover
使用 HTML 模板
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" [popover]="myPopover"
<i class="fas fa-filter"></i>
<popover-content #myPopover
title="this header can be omitted"
<b>Very</b> <span style="color: #C21F39">Dynamic</span> <span style="color: #00b3ee">Reusable</span>
<b><i><span style="color: #ffc520">Popover With</span></i></b> <small>Html support</small>.
Click outside of this popover and it will be dismissed automatically.
> error TS2322: Type 'HTMLElement' is not assignable to type 'string |
> TemplateRef<any>'. Type 'HTMLElement' is not assignable to type
> 'string'.
> 70 <a class="nav-link" [popover]="myPopover"
> ~~~~~~~
我认为您需要将弹出框包装在 ng-template 中。
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" [popover]="myPopover"
<i class="fas fa-filter"></i>
<ng-template #myPopover>
<popover-content title="this header can be omitted" [closeOnClickOutside]="true">
<b>Very</b> <span style="color: #C21F39">Dynamic</span> <span style="color: #00b3ee">Reusable</span>
<b><i><span style="color: #ffc520">Popover With</span></i></b> <small>Html support</small>.
Click outside of this popover and it will be dismissed automatically.
我正在尝试为我的 Popover
使用 HTML 模板这是我的标记
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" [popover]="myPopover"
<i class="fas fa-filter"></i>
<popover-content #myPopover
title="this header can be omitted"
<b>Very</b> <span style="color: #C21F39">Dynamic</span> <span style="color: #00b3ee">Reusable</span>
<b><i><span style="color: #ffc520">Popover With</span></i></b> <small>Html support</small>.
Click outside of this popover and it will be dismissed automatically.
> error TS2322: Type 'HTMLElement' is not assignable to type 'string |
> TemplateRef<any>'. Type 'HTMLElement' is not assignable to type
> 'string'.
> 70 <a class="nav-link" [popover]="myPopover"
> ~~~~~~~
我认为您需要将弹出框包装在 ng-template 中。
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" [popover]="myPopover"
<i class="fas fa-filter"></i>
<ng-template #myPopover>
<popover-content title="this header can be omitted" [closeOnClickOutside]="true">
<b>Very</b> <span style="color: #C21F39">Dynamic</span> <span style="color: #00b3ee">Reusable</span>
<b><i><span style="color: #ffc520">Popover With</span></i></b> <small>Html support</small>.
Click outside of this popover and it will be dismissed automatically.