私人 属性 的离线地图,在 iOS 中导航

Offline Map for Private Property with Navigation in iOS

我想为我的大学校园(覆盖近 3-4 英里)制作离线地图。像新生或客人一样,可以导航到校园内的各个街区。学生可以在当前位置的地图上看到 himself/herself 标记,并且可以从预定义的地点列表中选择目的地,应用程序将导航它们。

我探索了很多,比如 maptiles 可以帮助我显示地图。但是还有其他有效的显示校园地图的方法吗?而且我不知道我将如何导航用户(因为 属性 的地图(或其他地图)API 无法访问私人 属性 区域。

任何建议都会有所帮助。 :)



我最近几天在研究 ArcGIS,学会了使用 'ArcGIS for Desktop' 创建它的 'geodatabase' 以在 iPhone 上渲染离线地图。


我欢迎任何 suggestion/idea 使用任何不同的方法来完成它。

您可以使用 MapBox 实现这一目标。

MapBox 是 GoogleMaps 的替代品,支持离线地图。

Mapbox iOS SDK
There are three methods available to the Mapbox iOS SDK for offline maps. With cache-based methods, the RMTileCache for an RMMapView can be configured to keep map tiles around based on their count or based on their age in the cache.

Caching based on previous user interaction

Tiles are automatically cached once they are downloaded for display based on the user’s panning and zooming of the map. For example, if a user views the map, then zooms out, then zooms back in later when offline, the original tiles will be present in cache and will display without need for a network connection.

Proactive background caching for certain map regions

Using RMTileCache and the RMTileCacheBackgroundDelegate protocol, the developer can enable the user to download a certain bounding box and zoom range in the background in advance of actually displaying them on screen. Callbacks trigger, allowing the developer to report progress to the user or even to cancel a download in progress.

Tiles that already exist in cache will be skipped over during this background download instead of re-downloaded.

MBTiles prepackaged tiles

Using the MBTiles format for map tile storage, developers can build apps that read the tiles straight out of the MBTiles file and do not ever need a network connection. Since MBTiles is an open format, files can be created manually or with TileMill, as well as many other applications and utilities such as mbutil.

您需要最后一个(即 MBTiles prepackaged tiles)。


如果您采用 OpenStreetMap 方式(直接在 OpenStreeMap 中映射您的 属性),那么您还可以使用 Scout SDK.

它基于 OSM,全面支持离线地图、离线路线和 TBT 导航。如果您正确连接路段,则 SDK 将能够根据您的数据创建汽车、自行车和行人路线。

虽然不是免费的,但 Scout SDK 有一个免费套餐,可能足以满足您的特定需求(如果不是,您将转向 "pay-as-you" 模型)