Jax/Flax 与 pyTorch 相比,(非常)慢的 RNN 前向传递?

Jax/Flax (very) slow RNN-forward-pass compared to pyTorch?

我最近在 Jax 中实现了一个双层 GRU 网络,对其性能感到失望(无法使用)。

因此,我尝试与 Pytorch 进行了一些速度比较。


这是我的最小工作示例,输出是在具有 GPU 运行时的 Google Colab 上创建的。 notebook in colab

import flax.linen as jnn 
import jax
import torch
import torch.nn as tnn
import numpy as np 
import jax.numpy as jnp

def keyGen(seed):
    key1 = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed)
    while True:
        key1, key2 = jax.random.split(key1)
        yield key2
key = keyGen(1)

seq_length = 1000
in_features = 6
out_features = 4
batch_size = 8

class RNN_jax(jnn.Module):

    def __call__(self, x, carry_gru1, carry_gru2):
        carry_gru1, x = jnn.GRUCell()(carry_gru1, x)
        carry_gru2, x = jnn.GRUCell()(carry_gru2, x)
        x = jnn.Dense(4)(x)
        x = x/jnp.linalg.norm(x)
        return x, carry_gru1, carry_gru2

class RNN_torch(tnn.Module):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, hidden_size, in_features, out_features):

        self.gru = tnn.GRU(
        self.dense = tnn.Linear(hidden_size, out_features)

        self.init_carry = torch.zeros((2, batch_size, hidden_size))

    def forward(self, X):
        X, final_carry = self.gru(X, self.init_carry)
        X = self.dense(X)
        return X/X.norm(dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat((1, 1, 4))

rnn_jax = RNN_jax()
rnn_torch = RNN_torch(batch_size, hidden_size, in_features, out_features)

Xj = jax.random.normal(next(key), (seq_length, batch_size, in_features))
Yj = jax.random.normal(next(key), (seq_length, batch_size, out_features))
Xt = torch.from_numpy(np.array(Xj))
Yt = torch.from_numpy(np.array(Yj))

initial_carry_gru1 = jnp.zeros((batch_size, hidden_size))
initial_carry_gru2 = jnp.zeros((batch_size, hidden_size))

params = rnn_jax.init(next(key), Xj[0], initial_carry_gru1, initial_carry_gru2)

def forward(params, X):
    carry_gru1, carry_gru2 = initial_carry_gru1, initial_carry_gru2

    Yhat = []
    for x in X: # x.shape = (batch_size, in_features)
        yhat, carry_gru1, carry_gru2 = rnn_jax.apply(params, x, carry_gru1, carry_gru2)
        Yhat.append(yhat) # y.shape = (batch_size, out_features)

    #return jnp.concatenate(Y, axis=0)

jitted_forward = jax.jit(forward)

# uncompiled jax version
%time forward(params, Xj)

CPU times: user 7min 17s, sys: 8.18 s, total: 7min 25s Wall time: 7min 17s

# time for compiling
%time jitted_forward(params, Xj)

CPU times: user 8min 9s, sys: 4.46 s, total: 8min 13s Wall time: 8min 12s

# compiled jax version
%timeit jitted_forward(params, Xj)

The slowest run took 204.20 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached. 10000 loops, best of 5: 115 µs per loop

# torch version
%timeit lambda: rnn_torch(Xt)

10000000 loops, best of 5: 65.7 ns per loop


为什么我的 Jax 实现这么慢?我做错了什么?



JAX 代码编译缓慢的原因是在 JIT 编译期间 JAX 展开了循环。所以在 XLA 编译方面,你的函数实际上非常大:你调用 rnn_jax.apply() 1000 次,编译时间往往大致是语句数量的二次方。

相比之下,您的 pytorch 函数不使用 Python 循环,因此在幕后它依赖于 运行 更快的矢量化操作。

任何时候你对 Python 中的数据使用 for 循环时,你的代码很可能会很慢:无论你使用的是 JAX、torch、numpy、 pandas,等等。我建议在 JAX 中找到一种解决问题的方法,该方法依赖于矢量化操作,而不是依赖于缓慢的 Python 循环。