如何关闭 google 云平台安全密钥强制执行?

How to turn off google cloud platform security key enforcement?


我在 google 云和云身份中有一个组织。在 identity admin panel 中,我选择不强制执行 2fa,但允许用户启用它。

但是,如果用户想要登录 google cloud 并且没有安全密钥 2fa。迎接他们的是这个画面

如果用户拥有安全密钥 2fa,则他们可以访问 google 云控制台面板。


如何关闭安全密钥的 enforcement/requirement 以便用户能够登录到 google 云?



您可以为无权访问其安全密钥的用户创建 backup verification codes

Users who temporarily can’t access their second authentication method may get locked out. For example, a user may have left their security key at home, or can’t receive an access code by phone. For these users, you can generate backup verification codes to allow them to sign in.

  1. To view the user's backup verification codes, click 2-Step Verification and then Get backup verification codes.
  2. Copy one of the existing backup codes or generate new codes. Note: select Get new codes If you think the existing backup codes were stolen or have been used up. The old set of backup codes automatically become inactive.
  3. Tell your user to follow the instructions in Sign in using backup codes. If the user is required to use a security key for 2-step verification, you'll see the grace period that's left before they need to use their security key to sign in.

我终于找到了它所在的设置菜单。 Google 具有会话控制设置以及用户需要重新验证的频率。其中一种选择是使用用户必须使用的重新验证方法。我的设置为“安全密钥”。


This is where it is located: