Inform 7 互动小说中如何理解 's' 只是右舷的缩写,而不是南舷的缩写?

How to understand 's' only as abreviation for starboard, not south, in Inform7 interactive fiction?

我正在使用 Inform7 创建一个发生在 space 站上的游戏。我希望方向是前、后、左舷和右舷,而不是标准的罗盘点。我已经使用 understand as 成功地重新定义了其中的大部分。但是当我使用 's' 作为右舷而不是南的缩写时,我被卡住了。

我目前的代码如下所示。请注意以下行:Understand "st" as starboard. 这是一种解决方法,而不是我真正想要的。我想要的是 's' 作为右舷的缩写。如果我将此行更改为 Understand "s" as starboard.,解释器仍然认为 's' 缩写可能代表南方,并回复 Which do you mean, the south or Starboard?.

我怎样才能让 Inform7 忘记南方而只向右舷应用 's'?

[ Shipboard Directions ]
Fore is a direction. The opposite of Fore is Aft.
Aft is a direction. The opposite of Aft is Fore.
Port is a direction. The opposite of Port is Starboard.
Starboard is a direction. The opposite of Starboard is Port.
Understand "f" as fore.
Understand "forward" as fore.
Understand "a" as aft.
Understand "p" as port.
Understand "st" as starboard.
Instead of going north, say "In space, there's no magnetic field, so there's no north. Also, no one can hear you scream in space. Not that you should be screaming. Well, there is that one room, but... oh, never mind."
Instead of going east, say "There's no magnetic field here. Compasses are useless. Maybe 'port' is what you meant."
Instead of going west, say "'Go west, young man.' Always with the going west. Obviously, they've never been in space. There's no 'west' in space. There's no I in team, either. There are port and starboard, however. But not in team... on the space station."
Instead of going south, say "South? There ain't no Mason-Dixon line on a space station. Did you mean starboard? You can use 'st' for starboard."

我曾在评论中建议 Understand the command "s" as something new.,但这行不通,因为“s”是南方宾语的缩写,而不是动词。糟糕!

相反,您可以使用玩家的意思系统(第 17.19 节)

Does the player mean doing something with south: it is very unlikely.