AWS 政策是否会阻止政策中未指定的所有操作?

Does AWS policy block all operations not specified in the policy?


    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "ExamplePolicy01",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ExampleStatement01",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Dave"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

此策略允许 Dave 在 S3 中对 awsexamplebucket1 执行 3 次操作。那么在 awsexamplebucket1 中创建对象等其他操作如何? 这些操作是否被阻止?

您需要阅读 Policy Evaluation Logic。所有其他操作都被隐式拒绝。这意味着被拒绝,除非有其他政策允许他们。

从上面的 link 复制:

The following is a summary of the AWS evaluation logic for policies within a single account.

  • By default, all requests are implicitly denied with the exception of the AWS account root user, which has full access.
  • An explicit allow in an identity-based or resource-based policy overrides this default.
  • If a permissions boundary, Organizations SCP, or session policy is present, it might override the allow with an implicit deny.
  • An explicit deny in any policy overrides any allows.

假设 Dave 是与此 S3 存储桶位于同一帐户中的 IAM 用户,通常您会将这些权限直接分配给 Dave(通过附加到 Dave IAM 用户或其 IAM 组之一的策略)。您将不会在 S3 存储桶策略中执行此操作。


但是,如果 Dave 从他的 IAM 用户或 IAM 组策略中获得与此存储桶相关的额外 S3 权限,那么这些权限将补充存储桶策略中列出的权限。