js/jsx 文件中的 sublime text 2 html 自动补全

sublime text 2 html autocompletion in js/jsx files

我希望能够在 Sublime text 2 的 js/jsx 文件中自动完成 HTML 标签。我已经安装了 Babel-sublime 但是 HTML 它不支持自动完成。


编辑:HTML 自动完成在 js 文件中运行良好的任何好的软件包?即 Emmet 在 Sublime text 2 的 js 文件中。不必是 jsx

因此,我通过将以下内容添加到用户 (Preferences -> Key Bindings - User)

的键绑定中,让 emmet 为 Sublime Text 2 中的 js/jsx 文件工作
  "keys": ["tab"], 
  "command": "expand_abbreviation_by_tab", 
  // put comma-separated syntax selectors for which 
  // you want to expandEmmet abbreviations into "operand" key 
  // instead of SCOPE_SELECTOR.
  // Examples: source.js, text.html - source
  "context": [
  "operand": "source.js", 
  "operator": "equal", 
  "match_all": true, 
  "key": "selector"

// run only if there's no selected text
  "match_all": true, 
  "key": "selection_empty"

// don't work if completion popup is visible and you
// want to insert completion with Tab. If you want to
// expand Emmet with Tab even if popup is visible -- 
// remove this section
  "operand": false, 
  "operator": "equal", 
  "match_all": true, 
  "key": "auto_complete_visible"
  "match_all": true, 
  "key": "is_abbreviation"

] } `