如何使用 .startswith 在数据框中创建新变量?

How to create a new variable in a dataframe using .startswith?

我在 python 中有一个这样的数据框:

data = [['a_subj.163', 1], ['b_subj.164', 2], ['c_subj.165', 3]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['subj', 'mean'])
    subj       mean
0   a_subj.163  1
1   b_subj.164  2
2   c_subj.165  3

我需要取主语以 'a.subj' 开头的平均值,并将其添加到名为 mean_a 的新变量中。

我尝试了以下但得到了 TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable:

df['mean_a'] = np.where(df(subj.startswith("a_subj")), mean, '')


for subj in df:
    if subj.startswith('a_subj'):
        df['mean_a'] = mean


这里是调用 DataFrame 而不是访问它

np.where(df(subj.startswith("a_subj")), mean, '')


np.where(df[subj.startswith("a_subj")], mean, '')


mean_a = df['mean'][df.subj.str.startswith('a_subj')].mean()

如果您想使用 for 循环,您可以这样做:

df["mean_a"] = "" # remove this line if you want nan in the rest of the values
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    if row.subj.startswith('a_subj'):
        df.at[i, 'mean_a'] = row["mean"]