如何提升 react native-paper 中的警报?

How elevate the alert in react native-paper?

我想显示一个警报,但我的警报使我的应用程序像这样向下滚动 alert image 我想在中心显示警报并提升它。

我试过这个 css,但没有任何效果

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  elevatedElement: {
    zIndex: 3000000, 
    elevation: 3000000, 


import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { Button, Paragraph, Dialog, Portal, Provider } from 'react-native-paper';

const Alert = ({ show, setShow }) => {

  return (
          <Dialog visible={show} >
              <Paragraph>This is simple dialog</Paragraph>
              <Button onPress={setShow}>Done</Button>

export default Alert;


return (
    <><Alert show={true} />
       <RightButton goRight={logout} />
      <Logo />


Portal allows rendering a component at a different place in the parent tree. You can use it to render content that should appear above other elements, similar to Modal. It requires a Portal. Host component to be rendered somewhere in the parent tree

因此,如果您想在其他元素(如模态)之上呈现 Portal,您应该使用 Portal.Host:

**注意:**尝试将 Portal 组件实现为 Alert 组件的第一个元素,而不使用 View 元素,如下所示:

import { Portal } from 'react-native-paper';

// rest of the codes ...

return (
      <Dialog visible={show} >
          <Paragraph>This is simple dialog</Paragraph>
          <Button onPress={setShow}>Done</Button>

无需为此组件设置 zIndexelevation 样式属性。