有什么方法可以将落在直方图 bin 之外的数据放入最外面的 bins 中吗?

Is there any way to take the data that falls outside of a historgram bin into the outermost bins?

我不太擅长编程,我正在为实验室做数据分析。我正在尝试在 Python 上生成一个直方图,其中包含一定数量的箱子,每个箱子具有相同的箱子宽度,理论上应该捕获所有数据。但往往有大约 10 个数据点未包含在直方图中。有什么方法可以根据它们是小于还是大于直方图的总宽度将这些数据点推入最外面的容器中?



#sort out N by histogram
binwidth = 2.5*sig_Q
low_center = min(Q_exp) + binwidth
def set_range(first_bin = low_center, bin_width = binwidth, Nbins = 10):
     helper function to set the range and bin width
     input : first_bin =  bin_center of the first bin, bin_width = the bin width, Nbins = total number of bins
     returns: a tuple that you can use in the range key word when defining a histogram.
     NOTE: for the histogram use the same number of bins:

 example:  h = histo( r, range = set_range(-5., 1, 11), bins = 11)

 this created a histogram where the first bin is centered at -5. , the next at -4. etc. a total of 11 bins are
 created and the bin center of the last one is at 5. = first_bin + (Nbins-1)*bin_width
 rmin = first_bin - bin_width/2.
 rmax = rmin + Nbins*bin_width
 return (rmin,rmax)

h = B.histo(Q_exp, range = set_range(low_center, bin_width = binwidth, Nbins = 10), bins = 10)
hx = h.bin_center
hy = h.bin_content
B.pl.ylabel("Counts", fontsize = 20)
B.pl.xlabel("Gaussian Deviates", fontsize = 20)
B.pl.title("Monte Carlo Millikan Oil-Drop Simulation", fontsize = 22)

