是否可以使用 Novell 包找到 LDAP 用户所属的组? (C#)

Is it possible to find the group(s) that an LDAP user belongs to using the Novell package? (C#)



using the following:

    public bool LogInViaLDAP(LoginDTO userForLoginDto)
        var user = userForLoginDto.Username;
        string userDn = $"cn={user},ou=users,ou=system";
        using (var connection = new LdapConnection { SecureSocketLayer = _isSecureSocketLayer })

            connection.ConnectionTimeout = 36000;
            connection.Connect(_domain, _port);
            connection.Bind(userDn, userForLoginDto.Password);
            string[] requiredAttributes = { "cn", "sn", "ou" };
            string searchFilter = "objectClass=inetOrgPerson";

            //this is where I was attempting to find the user's group association.
            var groups = SearchForGroup(connection, userDn, searchFilter, requiredAttributes, false);

            if (connection.Bound)
                return true;
        return false;
    HashSet<string> SearchForGroup(LdapConnection connection, string user, string searchFilter, string[] requiredAttributes, bool typesOnly)

        var result = connection.Search(user, LdapConnection.ScopeSub, searchFilter, requiredAttributes, typesOnly);

        LdapEntry nextEntry = null;
        while (result.HasMore())
            nextEntry = result.Next();

        //This only seems th return the 
        //sn - surname and cn - common name.
        var data = nextEntry.GetAttributeSet();

        return new HashSet<string>();

我认为 Novell 包是基于 LDAP 使用的实际查询语言。

所以我在 Apache Directory Studio 中选择了 ou=groups 节点并尝试使用以下方法从那里搜索我的用户:



string[] requiredAttributes = { "cn" };   
var groups = SearchForGroup(connection, "ou=groups,ou=system", "uniqueMember=cn=username,ou=users,ou=system", requiredAttributes, false);

上面的片段演示了如何在我的 c# 代码中传递参数以复制我在 Directory Studio 中所做的事情

    HashSet<string> SearchForGroup(LdapConnection connection, string entryPoint, string searchFilter, string[] requiredAttributes, bool typesOnly)

        var result = connection.Search(entryPoint, LdapConnection.ScopeSub, searchFilter, requiredAttributes, typesOnly);

        LdapEntry nextEntry = null;

        var groups = new HashSet<string>();
        foreach (var group in result)
            var attribute = group.GetAttribute("cn");

        return groups;