
Census data extraction for time series

我正在尝试使用以下代码下载使用 tidycensus 的 AZ 县的平均人口。如何下载 2000-2019 年时间序列期间的人口数据(对没有十年一次的人口普查或 acs 数据的年份进行插值)

soc.2010 <- get_decennial(geography = "county", state = "AZ", year = 2010, variables = (c(pop="P001001")), survey="sf1")

soc.16 <- get_acs(geography = "county", year=2016, variables = (c(pop="B01003_001")),state="AZ", survey="acs5") %>% mutate(Year = "2016")

您可以使用 tidycensus 函数,get_estimates() 获取从 2010 年开始各县的人口估计值。


  geography = "county",
  state = "AZ",
  product = "population",
  time_series = TRUE
  ) %>% 
  filter(DATE >= 3) %>% 
  mutate(year = DATE + 2007)
#> # A tibble: 300 x 6
#>    NAME                  DATE GEOID variable   value  year
#>    <chr>                <dbl> <chr> <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Pima County, Arizona     3 04019 POP       981620  2010
#>  2 Pima County, Arizona     4 04019 POP       988381  2011
#>  3 Pima County, Arizona     5 04019 POP       993052  2012
#>  4 Pima County, Arizona     6 04019 POP       997127  2013
#>  5 Pima County, Arizona     7 04019 POP      1004229  2014
#>  6 Pima County, Arizona     8 04019 POP      1009103  2015
#>  7 Pima County, Arizona     9 04019 POP      1016707  2016
#>  8 Pima County, Arizona    10 04019 POP      1026391  2017
#>  9 Pima County, Arizona    11 04019 POP      1036554  2018
#> 10 Pima County, Arizona    12 04019 POP      1047279  2019
#> # ... with 290 more rows

API returns 有点令人困惑的日期代码,我已将其转换为年份。有关详细信息,请参阅 date code to year mapping for 2019 population estimates

对于 2010 年之前的年份,人口普查 API 使用无法通过 tidycensus 访问的 different format。但这里有一个 API 调用,它为您提供了 2000 年至 2010 年各县的人口:


["Graham County, Arizona","33356","7/1/2001 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","33224","7/1/2002 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","32985","7/1/2003 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","32703","7/1/2004 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","32964","7/1/2005 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","33701","7/1/2006 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","35175","7/1/2007 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","36639","7/1/2008 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","37525","7/1/2009 population estimate","04","009"],
["Graham County, Arizona","37220","4/1/2010 Census 2010 population","04","009"],