在 Plotly 的图例中将每个 "graph dimension" 分组
Group each "graph dimension" in the legend of Plotly
我想在 plotly.express
生成的 Plotly“标准图例”中添加每个“图表维度”,将此类特征的所有痕迹组合在一起。由于从前面的描述中可能很难理解我想做什么,所以让我举个例子。我有一个使用以下行生成绘图的代码:
x = 'x values',
y = 'y values',
color = 'Device specs', # This is what I call "color dimension".
symbol = 'Device', # This is what I call "symbol dimension".
line_dash = 'Contact type', # This is what I call "line_dash dimension".
我想在这个图例下方为每个“维度”添加一个图例,即 color
的一个图例,将每种颜色的所有痕迹分组,一个用于 symbol
并且,如果可能的话,如果我点击,例如contact=dot 它将所有虚线痕迹的可见性设置在一起。
Plotly Express 可以做到这一点吗?
- 生成具有您已定义的特征的数据框
- 创建核心人物很简单 - 只需使用您的代码
- 为图例添加尺寸。这使用图例显示图形中所有痕迹的核心概念。因此要扩展图例,需要额外的痕迹
- 跟踪是在 列表 理解中构建的,其参数符合您的要求。这些迹线被特意赋予了一个 y 值,不会包含在 y 轴范围
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
SIZE = 10
# generate a dataset with all required attributes
df = pd.DataFrame(
"x values": np.tile(np.linspace(0, SIZE - 1, SIZE), SIZE),
"y values": np.sort(np.random.uniform(1, 1000, SIZE ** 2)),
"Device": np.concatenate(
[np.full(SIZE, np.random.choice([52, 36, 34], 1)) for _ in range(SIZE)]
"Contact type": np.concatenate(
[np.full(SIZE, np.random.choice(["dot", "ring"], 1)) for _ in range(SIZE)]
"Device specs": np.concatenate(
np.full(SIZE, np.random.choice(["laptop", "tablet", "console"], 1))
for _ in range(SIZE)
df.loc[df["x values"].eq(SIZE - 1), "y values"] = np.nan
# build the standard figure
fig = px.line(
x="x values",
y="y values",
color="Device specs", # This is what I call "color dimension".
symbol="Device", # This is what I call "symbol dimension".
line_dash="Contact type", # This is what I call "line_dash dimension".
# build additional traces for items wanted in legend
legend_traces = [
x="x values",
y=np.full(len(df), -1000),
).update_traces(**param["lg"], legendgroup=str(param["px"]))
for param in [
{"px": {"color": "Device specs"}, "lg": {"legendgrouptitle_text": "Spec"}},
{"px": {"symbol": "Device"}, "lg": {"legendgrouptitle_text": "Device"}},
"px": {"line_dash": "Contact type"},
"lg": {"legendgrouptitle_text": "Contact type"},
for t in legend_traces:
# hide the dummy traces for extra legend entries (given y-value of -1000)
fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, df["y values"].max()])
我想在 plotly.express
生成的 Plotly“标准图例”中添加每个“图表维度”,将此类特征的所有痕迹组合在一起。由于从前面的描述中可能很难理解我想做什么,所以让我举个例子。我有一个使用以下行生成绘图的代码:
x = 'x values',
y = 'y values',
color = 'Device specs', # This is what I call "color dimension".
symbol = 'Device', # This is what I call "symbol dimension".
line_dash = 'Contact type', # This is what I call "line_dash dimension".
我想在这个图例下方为每个“维度”添加一个图例,即 color
的一个图例,将每种颜色的所有痕迹分组,一个用于 symbol
并且,如果可能的话,如果我点击,例如contact=dot 它将所有虚线痕迹的可见性设置在一起。
Plotly Express 可以做到这一点吗?
- 生成具有您已定义的特征的数据框
- 创建核心人物很简单 - 只需使用您的代码
- 为图例添加尺寸。这使用图例显示图形中所有痕迹的核心概念。因此要扩展图例,需要额外的痕迹
- 跟踪是在 列表 理解中构建的,其参数符合您的要求。这些迹线被特意赋予了一个 y 值,不会包含在 y 轴范围 中
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
SIZE = 10
# generate a dataset with all required attributes
df = pd.DataFrame(
"x values": np.tile(np.linspace(0, SIZE - 1, SIZE), SIZE),
"y values": np.sort(np.random.uniform(1, 1000, SIZE ** 2)),
"Device": np.concatenate(
[np.full(SIZE, np.random.choice([52, 36, 34], 1)) for _ in range(SIZE)]
"Contact type": np.concatenate(
[np.full(SIZE, np.random.choice(["dot", "ring"], 1)) for _ in range(SIZE)]
"Device specs": np.concatenate(
np.full(SIZE, np.random.choice(["laptop", "tablet", "console"], 1))
for _ in range(SIZE)
df.loc[df["x values"].eq(SIZE - 1), "y values"] = np.nan
# build the standard figure
fig = px.line(
x="x values",
y="y values",
color="Device specs", # This is what I call "color dimension".
symbol="Device", # This is what I call "symbol dimension".
line_dash="Contact type", # This is what I call "line_dash dimension".
# build additional traces for items wanted in legend
legend_traces = [
x="x values",
y=np.full(len(df), -1000),
).update_traces(**param["lg"], legendgroup=str(param["px"]))
for param in [
{"px": {"color": "Device specs"}, "lg": {"legendgrouptitle_text": "Spec"}},
{"px": {"symbol": "Device"}, "lg": {"legendgrouptitle_text": "Device"}},
"px": {"line_dash": "Contact type"},
"lg": {"legendgrouptitle_text": "Contact type"},
for t in legend_traces:
# hide the dummy traces for extra legend entries (given y-value of -1000)
fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, df["y values"].max()])