什么被认为是纳什-萨特克利夫效率 (NSE) 的良好价值?

What is considered to be a good value for Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE)?

在水文学中,Nash–Sutcliffe 效率 (NSE) 系数用于确定模型效率。类似于决定系数(更好地称为 R^2),其中 - 作为经验法则 - 所有高于 0.7 左右的值都被认为是合适的(或更好),NSE 的值被认为是可以接受的当你建模时放电时间序列?

这取决于上下文。例如,USGS 的研究人员认为 0.5 及以上代表模型 site in Minnesota. Also note that since the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient is sensitive to extreme values (peak flow), it is important that you carefully consider any large outliers. Perhaps you should consider the combination of NSE and R2 together and also keep in mind that the measure of efficiency should reflect the intended use 处的水流条件非常适合。

This journal article summarizes some acceptable ranges of NSE for satisfactory and better calibration. For example, SWAT 使用 0.5 及以上作为满意评分。

根据 Moriasi 等人的说法。 (2015) 对于每日、每月或每年的水文分析(流量或流量),table 波纹管可用作评估标准:

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very good
NSE =< 0.50 0.50 < NSE =< 0.70 0.70 < NSE =< 0.80 NSE > 0.80

来源:Moriasi, D., N., Gitau, M., W., Pai, N., Daggupati, P. (2015)。水文和水质模型:性能测量和评估标准。 ASABE 交易。 58(6):1763-1785。 https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.58.10715