如何分析 Azure 上的 WAF 规则?

How to analyze WAF rules on Azure?

我们有一个认证要求来准备某种形式的报告,其中包含 charts/metrics 个 WAF 检测示例以及建议 我们基本上想对什么是 poppin 进行几个小时的分析,并根据见解提出一些关于 disable/enable 规则的建议。

这篇评论有助于我们优化环境,使我们的环境更加 resilient/secure 以及记录一些见解,我们可以将其用于此认证要求。



Azure 上是否有任何东西可以为我们提供有关 WAF 事件的信息?


Once your Application Gateway WAF is operational, you can enable logs to inspect what is happening with each request. Firewall logs give insight to what the WAF is evaluating, matching, and blocking. With Log Analytics, you can examine the data inside the firewall logs to give even more insights. For more information about creating a Log Analytics workspace, see Create a Log Analytics workspace in the Azure portal. For more information about log queries, see Overview of log queries in Azure Monitor.

可以参考How to analyze WAF rules on Azure? and Back-end health and diagnostic logs for Application Gateway