Google Cloud Platform Logging - 通过排除 liveness_check 和 readiness_check 来减少噪音

Google Cloud Platform Logging - reduce noise by excluding liveness_check and readiness_check

我的 GCP 日志记录太吵了。它们被 liveness_check 和 readiness_check 条目弄得乱七八糟。我需要什么查询来记录除 liveness_check 和 readiness_check 之外的所有内容?截图如下谢谢

resource.type="gae_app" 和 (httpRequest.requestUrl="/readiness_check" 或 httpRequest.requestUrl="/liveness_check")


感谢@Genshiro 的回答,我将以下内容保存为我的“无噪音”过滤器

httpRequest.requestUrl!="/readiness_check" AND
httpRequest.requestUrl!="/liveness_check" AND
httpRequest.requestUrl!="/nginx_metrics" AND
NOT textPayload:"Health checks:" AND
NOT jsonPayload.message:"This is a normal event of healthy VMs" AND
NOT jsonPayload.message:"Exporting failed. Will retry the request after interval." AND
NOT jsonPayload.message:"buffer flush took longer time than" AND
NOT jsonPayload.message:"detected rotation of" AND
NOT jsonPayload.message:"following tail of"

请注意,构建此类过滤器的文档是 here